Thanks for all your feedback on my last post. It proved that LJ here is still a good site to post on, at least for me. However, I keep this account strictly for business now. I used to have this as a regular what I call "ego" journal many years back, but I no longer do that. My private life I keep private these days. It isn't necessary for me to blab about the taco I ate, the dream I had last night, or my opinions on every little thing. Only to my closest friends do I share such meaningless drivel ;)
A few essays can be found on my
Blogspot blog, some of them more personal than others, and even those are few and far between. Pretty much only when I am feeling inspired to write, and what I feel inspired to share. I try to post a little more about my personal life on my personal
Facebook page, but even there I keep it light.
Twitter is for the odd Tweet with my friends, but mainly for advertising purposes.
Pinterest is where I share more of my interests and such in a visual form. As always I post most of my artwork on
DeviantArt, mainly because of the convenience and I am established there. I try to keep up the same with
FA, and
Nabyn I am still poking at to see if it's worth keeping up with. My
website is pretty much for e-commerce, so if you want a print or a commission or something, go there ;) This LJ follows the same idea, advertising and keeping those who use the site updated on my business and shows I am doing and such. If you want to know what's going on with me, personally, become a close friend and I will let you know all about my boring brain poop ^.^