Tests Of Time

Jul 26, 2010 19:04

Dear Diary,

Sometimes in life, we think we know someone, we think everything is firm and solid, but when something happens and breaks us apart, thats when we find out truly just how much we know that person.

I used to be very idealistic, believing that there are things that last forever, like relationships or solid friendships, but over the years, I have learnt painfully that even the best of friends can just fall apart at any moment, when you least expect it. I always thought that such things will only happen to those who are not really true friends with each other, or to those already in a strained relationship or friendship. However, friends whom I never thought I would leave me, have left me, and these were not your hi bye friends or friends you meet on an occasional basis. But friends whom you established solid foundations, share secrets and thoughts with each other, be there for each other through difficult times, and even these kind of friendships can just fall apart overnight. I have learnt that nothing is impossible in this world, and this applies to both good and bad things.

Sometimes we need tests in life to find out just how much we know a certain person, and whether after that experience, we can still accept that person for his flaws. Through such tests, two people will either become closer or simply fall apart. However, it is also through such tests that makes the relationship or friendship more real. If after such tests, two parties can still remain as close or closer, it shows just how solid their relationship is, and how one can maybe say that this relationship or friendship is meant to last. Of course, such tests in life is never ending. We never truly know when it will come, but we can only hope for the best that we pass these tests in life with flying colours, as it is only after these tests, you find out who your real friends or lovers really are.

I have learnt to enjoy the moment with the ones I do still maintain close ties with, not to take things for granted, and to live each day, with as little expectations as possible. While it is still good to plan for the future, life is full of unexpected surprises along the way that will either alter or disrupt your plans completely. So, live each day by each day. Who knows? I might not live to see the next day.
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