Feb 07, 2007 21:25
Just a small update to remind folks that I do still exist and to cover this week. Also, an obligatory "IT IS FREAKING FREEZING HERE" is now out of the way...
This week has been hectic mainly due to work related emergencies, but they are tied up now for the most part. That, and just the way that some classes are going has made this week not so great. Then again, a couple weeks in on a semester is always somewhat annoying because classes and work starts to get difficult again. Still, work has been more annoying than it should be.
Also, as normal I have not made a complete decision on graduate school. Should I continue in academia or not? It is an interesting idea... and I just hate making decisions. Irregardless, getting a job or staying in graduate school, potentially at YSU, would all involve a practically new life. There just isn't enough things that have stayed the same to make consistency a possible goal. Like it or not things have moved on in most any area that can be pointed out... and besides, what hasn't changed must change soon.
Overall though things are pretty positive and I have many options open. I know of one person, outside of immediate family, who will be cheering for me come graduation in a few months which is always a good sign. In general, I can choose what I want to do, with consequences of course, but at least I can make those decisions. I just have to choose what to do and where to go and see what comes.