Oct 17, 2006 02:16
1. Since 1995, trick or treating in the town of Sandusky, Ohio, has been agaisnt the law for anyone older than 14.
2. It is very rare for a Full Moon to occur at the same time as Halloween. It has only occured in 1925, 1944, 1955 and 1974. The next time is set to occur is October 31, 2020.
3. The word Halloween appeared in the dictionary in 1700's.
4. Dunking for apples arose from a practice of divining the future. It was believed that if you could hold an apple between you teeth you would have a fulfilling romance with whomever you choose.
5. According to ancient superstitions, if you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, you'll see your future spouse.
6. The pumpkin is one of the best sources for vitamin A.
And now for something I never thought I would do anytime soon. I visited an authentic haunted place here in town. The Blue Ghost Tunnel. It has been verified as being haunted by www.hamiltonparanormal.com. If you go to the Investigations link it is there along with the Screaming Tunnel. Creepy as hell. Two girlfriends told me about it and we went. Of course it was dark and the walk extremely long from where we had to park. And as it turns out there were about 6 other people going as well. So we sort of all went together. Yeah, I went in. But so much noise was being made by the other people I wouldn't have heard anything. Then the door to the tunnel banged shut 3 times in a row. All you saw was about 6 flashlights turning back to the mouth of the tunnel and seeing nothing there. It was so dark in there that without the flashlights you wouldn't even see your hand in front of your face. A girl in the other group said it was just their friends playing a joke, but you could tell she wasn't even sure and neither was anyone else with her. Well, that was enough for me. The three of us left. I told them I will go back in the daylight. I would also be willing to go to the Screaming Tunnel some time. My knees hurt somuch I had to take pain killers just to sleep. I am not used to that much walking or climbing hills. And of course having a cold havemy asthma kick in a bit didn't help (or was it the creep factor that did it?). I mentioned to SB that it would be fun to do the St. Catharines Haunted Walk sometime. He suggested looking for the places online and go ourselves if we can. If we go, anyone want to come?