If any of you read my little sister's LJ (she's a lot less tight-lipped than I), you probably know that this has been pretty much one of the worst weeks of my life. Not to be melodramatic about it or anything. On the whole, I've kept things under a modicum of control, but I sort of lost my cool with Marcy and Sarah last night... and I'm regretting my lapse of propriety.
I did something today that I haven't done in a long time:
I went to church.
I just totally wrote this huge-ass page-long entry all about my deep feelings and philosophical musings, and deleted it all. All that you have to know is that I've recently procured a bible and I'm starting to read it and that I'm trying not to let the whole family situation get to me. And that, while I could use a hug, I don't necessarily need one. :)
And I love cheese.