Friends Only

Jan 09, 2010 17:30

 Banner byhighdreams

This journal is "Friends Only", but I have no friending policies. If you think we have anything in common, just leave a post here and I'll add you back right away. If you add me and don't comment here, I'll assume you're just adding me for my icons and I won't friend you back.

I kind of fail at html and livejournal, so I might not be the most interesting friend, but I'd love to make new lj friends and maybe make an effort to keep up with my friends list more.

Interests/Fandom: Adam Lambert/American Idol, Harry Potter, Football, Lost, Glee, Lady Gaga, Merlin, Arrested Development, One Direction

I'm much too shy and overly sensitive. I love my friends more than anything else in the world, and once I get to know people I am forever loyal to them. I can be too trusting but at the same time wary for all the wrong reasons. I love animals, especially dogs, and I have an obsession with lyrics and quotes.

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