Anime icon post + one banner

Aug 04, 2008 11:02

Agh- where have I been all this time?! Even I'm not sure (well for one thing I've been watching Naruto- I'm now up to episode 100! Wooht!) XD

Naruto (lots)
Cardcaptors + one banner
Chobits (only one)
Pokemon (only one)
Zero no Tsukaima (three)
Ginban Kaleidascope (only one)

Comments and credit are luv! (and just because they're textless doesn't mean they can be used without me knowing, cause I'll set bunnies on you!)

! user: sallangel, anime: naruto, anime: pokémon, graphics: icons, anime: cardcaptors, anime: chobits, anime: ginban kaleidescope, anime: zero no tsukaima

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