Dec 09, 2008 23:14
I <3 yoai as much as the next person on my flist. But, I am getting frustrated by two of the genre tropes:
1 - Everybody is gay! Come on people. I'm all for the boy love, but does everybody and his brother have to be so, well, gay? (Usually for said brother.) It's a wonder the human race continues in slashland, when all the men are boinking men and the token women end up with women. I really don't think all the side characters need to be slashed and frankly, it takes away from the main yaoi couple.
2 - Waay too much rape! A significant percentage of yoai couples seem to start with the guy raping his beloved. And beloved immediately forgives his rapist and starts up another round of sex. This really hard for me to *cough*swallow*cough* (sorry, couldn't resist). Rape is a pretty damn traumatic event, especially, when it's from someone you loved and trusted. Honestly, this one really bothers me.
Note: There is also quite a lot of date rape too (e.g. getting beloved drunk and having sex).
Huh, I was originally just going to vent, but I think the outright rape issue is more than a peeve.