Splendorocity Application

Jan 08, 2011 10:11

Player Information:
Name: Kiwi
Journal: cresqantipaean
Method of Contact: AIM - nullarcanum; Plurk - anacampserote
Previous characters: N/A

Character Information:
Full Name: Ange Ushiromiya
Series: Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Canon point: Post-death in EP4, Alliance of the Golden Witch
Age: 18
Appearance/PB: Here
Appearance upon arrival: Splattered with blood. She just got torn to pieces, after all.

Previous RP memories: N/A
Bringing someone along?: Nope.
Character History: Wiki link!


How long are you going to joke around and play with a witch in a place like this......

Come back quickly, ......Onii-chan......!
Don't leave me all alone...!
And realize.

Realize how cruel and lonely the world I'm isolated in is...'

In Ange Ushiromiya's 1998, the world is a cold and bitter place. In retaliation, she became a cold and bitter girl - her only means of keeping any semblance of sanity was to completely freeze over her once-warm and bubbly heart. With constant humiliations and insults coming from what remained of the Ushiromiya family (her aunt Eva, a woman mad with her own brand of grief) as well as her fellow students in St. Lucia's Academy, all hope and love slowly drained from her life until she became a cold, empty shell.

'I may have lived in a gorgeous mansion, dressed in expensive clothes, ...but my heart and my dignity had been trampled upon, and I was the Ushiromiya family's slave, ...its cattle.'

Ange had nothing to live for in that world. All her meddling and theorizing on the game board was for one goal: to bring her family back home to the little six year old girl she had once been. After all she's been through, she's forgotten that life is something that should be enjoyed, and instead goes from day to day by sheer necessity. She doesn't particularly want to live, but keeps going because she must. Or at least she thinks she must, in order to find the truth she's been reaching for all her life. There's also a strong streak of paranoia running through her thoughts - which is necessary for survival when people are out to get her. She won't trust anyone easily, and always second-guesses as to what a person's true motives might be.

".........If I hadn't been sick, ...and they hadn't left me behind........."

Even though she'd only been six years old when her family died, she willingly takes part of the blame in their deaths. She's been blamed for everything that's gone wrong in the years since (not having correct table manners, not handing in a class form) that it just comes easily to her, whether she believes she's done something truly wrong or not. For the most part, Ange will keep these feelings of self-blame or self-defence (depending on whether the accuser is herself or someone else) locked away in her heart, never sharing them with anyone else. If there's one thing she's learned, it's that no one cares how she feels.

"Ushiromiya-san, the thing that's bad about you is that you're lacking a cooperative personality. You must not think that everything's fine as long as it's alright for just you."
"Those who gather in Saint Lucia's place of learning shall have a cooperative heart. It's written right there in the student handbook, right?"
"I think having a cooperative heart is what gives birth to the desire to study together and contribute to the entire class. I believe that itself is the thing you lack before you even start studying, Ushiromiya-san, but what do you think?!"

During her time at St. Lucia's, Ange was only ever treated with hostility and hypocrisy. If she wanted to participate in an activity, she would be excluded; if she said good morning to a fellow student, she would be laughed at. Eventually, Ange just shut herself off completely from trying to fit in at all. She didn't want to be the odd one out, but she had no other choice. The other girls hated her, and always kept her at a distance - unless it became inconvenient for them to do so. Then, they'd switch the situation to make it Ange's fault for not participating enough, or not being friendly enough. Sitting through their accusations was like a slow torture, but Ange became so numbed to it all that in the end, her tears were gone and she could only reply with silence. And even though Ange became free of the school later on, she never had any opportunity to heal the wounds those girls had left on her heart. Concepts like 'friendship' and 'trust' are nearly foreign to her - the only people she cares about are the people she conjures in her head.

"I am your ally. And an enemy of witches. .........Of course, you don't have to believe it. No one can prove that I really am your ally. On the contrary, it is more desirable that you stay on your guard strongly enough to find me very suspicious."

Discovering Battler's incompetence on the game board caused both despair and frustration in Ange's heart. She loves and adores her brother, more than anything else in the world, but that doesn't give her any incentive to be gentle with him. Gentleness doesn't come easily to Ange at all - it's simpler to be cold, direct, and sarcastic. Even with all her deeply entrenched heartache and love, the 'true' Ange is very rarely seen. She knows that bowing to her emotions and letting sentimentality rule her decisions will end in a loss on the gameboard, so she keeps her cool and stays as professional as possible.

"I don't need gratitude. You were just slacking off. I only told you to open your eyes."

A cynic, but not an unkind one. Even with all her iciness, Ange is very rarely cruel to others - unless (she thinks) they deserve it. For the most part, she's respectful, even if it is only in a distant and unengaging manner. She's an intelligent, thoughtful girl, and can usually read a situation well enough to know how to behave appropriately.

".........While she still lived, pinch by pinch, massive, red-hot pincers, ......tore chunks of flesh the size of a thumb off of her, ......and threw them away. .........I was watching. I saw as countless cruel tools burned red-hot in the witch's furnace approached Ange from behind, and one bit at a time, ......pecked at her, twisted, ripped chunks off her, ......and tore her to pieces.
............Ange should be proud. In order to exchange her last words with her brother, ......she withstood the gasping of that pain until the very end, ......so she should be proud."

Ange's 'final' act, of revealing her true identity to Battler and urging him to win the game, came at the ultimate cost. She wasn't just willing to die, she was willing to die in an incredibly grotesque and painful manner, all for the sake of the truth - and so that somewhere, somehow, another Ange Ushiromiya would get her big brother back. She knew her role, and that the happiness she was working so hard to make reality would never be her reality, but that didn't matter. Ange saw herself as nothing more than a piece to be used in the game, and therefore made the best move available to her.

"......In a second, I'm going to let go of this hand...... It hurt, didn't it......? I held it so tightly, .........sorry..................I'm alright, ......so you don't have to turn around............So in the end, ......show me the coolest part of you, ......Onii-chan...............Rise from your seat, ......point at the witch before your eyes, ......and proclaim that the game will reconvene........."

Character Abilities: Ange is a Witch of Resurrection. "There is nothing that cannot be revived by me." Umineko doesn't go into detail as to what exactly this means - but, simply put, she can bring anything back to life.
Possessions: Maria's diary.
Anything else: N/A

Action/Communication thread/post sample:
Thread Link

Log/Prose sample:

Ange had never feared death. It was an inevitability, like everything else in life - nothing can last forever. She had been tired. Twelve long, loveless years in a hopeless, doomed life. She'd had her miracle, and she'd played her part in Beatrice's game. Finally, after so much suffering... everything would be over. Dying in agony was nothing compared to the bittersweet happiness she felt as she clung to the back of her brother's chair, knowing that her final moments could at least be spent with this person she'd been waiting for all her life. This was how a game piece was supposed to be used. A necessary sacrifice so that the game can be won. And then, hopefully, in some other world... Ange Ushiromiya's big brother comes home. That's enough to make her happy.

Eventually, there's nothing left. Her body is no more than mincemeat. She's... dead. Maybe this means she can finally be at peace... or if not peace, then at least nothingness. A long, endless sleep. But it's strange that her 'sleep' doesn't feel all that endless... or even all that empty...

She can hear something. Whatever darkness she's fallen into, she's not alone. It's music. Far, far away, and fainter than a whisper, but it's there. Is this normal, to hear strange music after death? A sweet, wordless melody... it's beautiful, relaxing, and entirely unexpected. Ange had expected death to be silent, and empty. But, wherever she is, she's not alone. And the sheer joy of this realization makes her want to cry. She's not alone.

Is she losing consciousness, or is the music getting louder...? She can hear the notes with much more clarity now, and the tune is easier to follow than it had been before.

But the music suddenly stops, and Ange is left with silence. She doesn't want to move, or try opening her eyes, or even breathe (how could she breathe, anyway? she's dead, right?). It's strange, but she feels as though she's somewhere completely different to where she had been before - different air, different smell, different everything. This must be her ultimate destination. Hell? She wouldn't be surprised.
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