Autumn grows weaker, Her hold on the realm becoming tenuous. The Beast of Winter enters, beautiful, but harsh, leaving a glittering, edged landscape behind Him. There are those who see that he also brings death, and would call Him evil- but he is no more than a Beast, and knows nothing of good or evil. He merely is, and no wardings or muttered words can stop him from completing his task.
I think this fellow is going to work his way into a little fairy-story I've had rattling around my head for a few months, but I need to do some serious thought about little things like... a plot... before I go farther. I tend to see things in flashes of scenes, and I never know where they're GOING or how they connect. If my characters had it their way, they'd all end up lost in the woods somewhere and never resolving anything. Figures.
Other things: Beef and blueberry stew is awesome (even if the recipe called for bison. =P )and pumpkin bread is also very tasty, although my big loaf fell apart. Oh, well, crumbly or not, it's still edible.
I can't wait till Sunday. Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. (hopefully) :D