Rambling stuffage and meme

Dec 20, 2008 20:00

Let's see. Not much has gone on. Work still sucks. At least this past week the opening manager was on vacation and the store manager was mostly absent. Had a visit by the area and regional manager because of the cafe. Was an easy visit even though some wanted to make it stressful. Been ball busting cold recently. Supposed to be that way over the weekend. They're saying a Nor'Easter Sunday/Monday. I hope not (in a way) where I open. Was called this morning by the store manager wanting me to stay until 1 on Monday. I said yes. Can use the other 3 hours (I was out originally at 10 and if the weather's as bad as they predict I'll be out before 10 (FIFO - First In First Out.) We're closed Thurs (only two days we close, Thanksgiving and Christmas.) I work 7-4 on Friday so it means a fairly early lunch on Christmas. Still don't have the tree up. Hopefully will get it up over the weekend. Let's see. Craft show was pretty good on Saturday. Sunday was pretty dead. Everyone commented on how poor sales were. Have the schedule for next year. The double shows in Nov and Dec are going to be 8 instead of 9 to start which is a change. Not sure if it's because of the mall changing hours or because he wants to make sure everyone's set up before the show opens >shrugs< Anyway, it'll be a longer day (8-9 instead of 9-9 AM to PM, that is, on Saturday, Sunday'll be 8-5 instead of 9-5.) Gotta start working on Valentine, St. Patrick's and Easter candy start of January. I figure take the rest of this month off. Was going to do NaNoFiMo but with the return of a few plotbunnies and muses that's shot out of the water. But, even if I don't get my BMFM fic finished before the end of the year, I should get it finished by mid next year. Even though I had a lot plotted out chapter wise, a lot more will be added thanks to a plotbunny and a muse agreeing (I was surprised when Mari-muse agreed to something) to the changes. Gotta be a first with my muses. Usually they run screaming when I think of something. Now if I can get the two plotbunnies to agree and let me run with a third and not try to gum up the works I might be able to work a bit of magic ^^ I hope.

Well, that was one mashed up post. Oh, and I has a new icon. I made it (was wanting one but finally found a good scene to cap it) for a post specifically. I deleted a LOT of the icons I had on LJ (for those reading this on IJ I still have all the icons there) due to the 6 limit for free accounts.

Bonus points if you guess who that is or what show it's from.

And lastly a meme from digi.

A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question. Who ever does that?
B. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

01. What are your nicknames?
Goldenmane, GM, early on SohNakar and Shimmer/Shimmerwing. From my AIM names of the past/present Rekka (from Rekka no tenshi). Various other real name shortenings I won't bother posting here.

02. What are some of your favorite songs right now?
Dragostea din tei (I've almost learned it >.> Sad, isn't it?) Just about anything off of the Supergott CD by Caramell. Just about every song by Ryoutarou Okiayu, Showtaro, Sakurai Takahiro, Kusao Takeshi, Nishimura Tomohiro (yes, he can sing >.<) and Matsukaze Masaya. Zero's themes from the X series (except the PS version of X3, for some reason,) plus his theme from Zero 1. X VS Zero. The original version of Armor Armadillo and Storm Eagle stage (not the remakes, though I can tolerate Eagle's stage.) Bring me to life (Evanesence) and, um, lots more >.>

03. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
I believe in the magic of Santa.

04. How many colours are you wearing now?
Black, white, tan, red.

05. Do you like reading stories or writing them yourself?
I like to write probably more than read. Fan Fiction there seems to be a lack of well-written stuffage out there. As for published books it depends on time and interest. Recently I've been reading library books dealing with both sides of WW2.

06. What are you doing while filling out this meme?
Getting ready to do some work on Axl. Gotta start burning stuff off so the kid'll have more space.

07. Do you nap a lot?
Only if I let myself get too overtired with lack of sleep then I can fall asleep in my chair. Even while playing WoW (sad, I know.)

08. What is one thing about you that bugs or annoys you?
Weight, shyness, looks (I know that's more than one >.<)

09. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Money. Need more money. And space. Need more space. And work. Have I mentioned work sucked this past week?

10. What's your favorite dessert?
Gah, so many choices, so little time >.<

11. What was the last anime you watched?
Last thing I watched was an online stream of Ep 3 of the 2006 season of BMFM. The last anime I watched was an episode of Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs. (I can't wait until WEP releases the boxed sets next year ^^)

12. What websites do you visit daily?
Daily, none, really. More often than not it's LJ, Yahoo Mail and sometimes MSNBC.com if I want to be a sucker for punishment and look up news.

13. What are you currently working on? (If you're a writer or artist, which project?)
WoW (Getting Lianna high enough in cooking so she can make the cider recipe for Winter Veil, finally got her maxed with Timbermaw. Had to have help from others on the demon >.< Building up her fishing and thinking of finishing the now low level quests in Azeroth before finally migrating to Outland to do those quests so she can get high enough and actually survive Northrend (though I did good today mapping out Borean Tundra being a lowly 63 around near to 70's.) BMFM (Writing the rest of the chapters and figuring out how the additional chapters are going to fit in and how much bigger it's going to make this whole thing. I estimate at least 150k if not 200k when I'm done. Beta anyone?) Drawing, I want to get back to it. I have some ideas but, meh, no energy for that. At least I have the energy and drive to write the mice and that's all I can ask for right now.

14. Do you like to clean?
Clean? What's that. Organize, yes, clean . . . no.

15. What is your favorite and least favorite color?
Favorite color is always blue or purple but I like wearing black with color. Least favorite is green (for some reason, even though I will wear it I only like a very limited number of green shades.) I don't like brown that much, either.

16. What's the latest TV show you've gotten into?
I haven't watched TV in years. I can't really say I've gotten into something because I never really fell out of it, just put it on the back burner when another show took priority. Shows I've been watching recently would be Saber Rider, BMFM, Golion (and, when I get it, Voltron Vehicle Team) and I want to get back into Zoids, too. I have a hankering for giant animal robots and badass wanna be villan-good guy loners (Raven anyone?)

17. What would you like to name your first kid? Or your dog or cat if you don't want kids? Or your plant if you don't want animals? Or your computer if you can't take care of living things?
Well, I've named a lot of stuff, from my first cat Mumu (who died ages ago) to Snuggies (who died a couple of years ago) to Pookie/Poukie, depending on how you want to spell it. From Axl (my laptop,) Zero (my external,) Forte (my back up burner,) to X (my dead tower,) and all the bettas I've ever owned. So yeah, I name based on either what comes into my head or something appropriate to whatever it is.

18. What is your favorite food?
Just about anything Chinese as long as it's not spicy.

19. Gimme your current thought.
I would, but you don't want to know. That'd be TMI.

20. What did you ask for, for Christmas?
I'd like more model planes (the 1/48 scale Japanese WW2 planes . . . and paint to go with them so I can actually finish them this summer) and the boxed sets I haven't gotten yet. Will I get them, the planes I can say no, the boxed sets probably not. Do I mind. Not really.

21. What's the most needed thing you want right now?
A better paying, less stressful job. Preferably an at home job where I make lots of money, can keep my own schedule, can do stuff I want and actually get something done without feeling overstressed or overworked.

I tag anyone who wants to do this.

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