To start off: all four of mine are safe. THIS FILLS ME WITH MUCH JOY AND JOYNESS.
Is chill AS USUAL. She's been in camp for long enough, has Sokka and Katara in camp, and Aang is out of here. \o/! Avatar is safe! She's stuck in the same place but there is always something dumb happening! She has friends!
I'll say it upfront: I don't play Toph that much anymore. AM NOT SURE WHY. Might be because my other characters are always easier to have post ideas for, so I end up spending more time with them. But Toph is so, so safe. Right now, no one can take my tiny blind earthbender away from me :< She's a steady character that I can always fall back on, and my cast is FABULOUS and I can't imagine not having Toph, etc.etc. We will be canon updating soon! So that is awesome! Now that I've written this I'll make more of an effort to bring her out. :|b
Is Merryweather and I love the girl. Soeasy to play. Seriously, it still surprises me how much I still like playing her. I guess a big part of it is that she forms relationships very easily! Relationships have always been a big plus factor in my ability to bring characters out-- Give me an obnoxious guy who doesn't form relationships because he only cares about himself (Bloo), an angry person whose socialising skills have not been very much touched upon in canon (Fou), or a character that I cannot advance relationships with (see Kanon section below), and dropping is a sooner or later thing. For Merry, uwah. She's got the relationships and the ability to deal with whatever (TY KAORI YUKI FOR PUTTING HER THROUGH MURDERS AND EVERYTHING I-I never thought I'd be saying something like that), sooo.
... And her icons are adorable. /shallow
Yoh is stoned zen zen zen zen zen zen zen. Nothing much to say. Zen. He really does believe that when it's time to go he'll leave camp, even though he doesn't know when that will happen. So camp time is a indefinite break for him, and he's keeping up his training and whatnot because he's still very aware that once he leaves camp he'll be plunged into the greatest fight of his life. Which he is sort of looking forward to but not impatient about.
Yoh's voice is easy to slip into. I occasionally worry about Yoh being boring to thread with, but it's ASAKURA FREAKIN' YOH!!11 I. I could be vaguely embarrassing and go on about how Yoh is my favouritest character of all time and how I realized he's actually had an impact on my personality (you know how in IC secrets people go KAMINA CHANGED MY LIFE? My hero is Yoh, even though it took me ages to realize it :( There I've gone and done it, exposed my embarassing-ness to everyone sob).
I'm glad I've been playing Yoh's hyoui gattai out-- he might not fight, but you know. HE DOES SOMETHING WITH HIS SHAMANIC POWERS, which makes me feel slightly better about his not fighting. It's an improvement from the last time. Thank you Amidamaru for coordinating with me every time \o\ \o/ /o/
Is new and shiny! Koganei was my favourite character in Flame of Recca, which was the first manga I took money out of my pocket money to buy. So... the favourite character of a manga I have a sort of ~history~ with. I never felt the urge to app him, however, because of the intimidation of playing a childhood favourite (which was what took me so long to app Yoh, too). In the past there was also part of me that went "LOL CANON so long and retarded", but I guess after you app Air Gear and Kaori Yuki and Shaman King you kind of wave off the lol canon thing.
I always knew that if I apped Flame of Recca, I was definitely going to be apping Koganei, because I focus on my favourites. So when I volunteered to beta Joker, it was easy to be topped because the above insecurities weren't quite there anymore. It was, to an extent, daunting, because of the length of the canon and how long I hadn't read it, but ehhh. His app was fun to write once I had an idea to focus on. Drr drr drr Koganei might have been made for me. (... LET'S SEE A FEW MONTHS DOWN THE ROAD IF I WILL SAY THE SAME)
I have no idea why I'm writing my app story here.
ALL IN ALL, I think I've settled fairly comfortably into his voice, he has promising relationships starting, and his relationships with canonmates are awesome. He thinks about Yanagi and the Hokage a lot, but Koganei isn't one to... REALLY WORRY ABOUT THINGS, especially since Joker has already said that time passes different and... somehow he does trust Joker! I love how I apped a Hokage member that happens to have super fun (if awkward ilu Kurei really ;o;b LOVE MEEE) relationships with the Uruha members that are currently in camp. Koganei also is a flexible sort that can be hilarious and badass and a new way of fighting!!11 for me, so yeahhh. \o/
EXTRA: Kanon drop.
I feel like I didn't really explain much when I dropped Kanon-- apologies to the Air Gear cast for that; I only warned Ringo-chan the night before I dropped him. My Kanon drop was surprising, even to me. I mean, I figured it was a sooner or later thing, but I didn't expect to drop him there and then, because every now and then I had the urge to drop Kanon but always orz'd at other people and the drop never did happen. It was... really time for him to go, I guess! I knew that I had to make the decision to drop him rather than having someone to stop me. I'm extremely zen about his drop.
Of course, I also felt a little like a tool, dropping a character right after I picked up another, but what happened happened. I'm ultimately glad that I just went ahead and did it rather than continue being wishy washy about it. It was starting to be tiresome.
I did realize why I had problems playing Kanon-- he was hella fun to play him when I did, really. But in the end, I still didn't know where he stood, other than that he was a good guy. He could probe and ask and be generally creepy, but even when he did have information on other people, I didn't know how to go on after that. It was like building up but not knowing how to end something. This led to his relationships becoming stale, and even though he did meet new people, I... just didn't want to commit to really saying what kind of person he was, and to really go a step further in his relationships.
I feel like I took a lot of chances with Kanon, and... he was certainly a learning experience! A v. strangely hot one. Ahem. I'm glad that there were people who enjoyed my play of him. Who knows, maybe I'll app someone like him in the future. o/