Oct 14, 2006 07:32
In the past year, you learned to discipline yourself and see reality for what it is. That applies to your love life in that you will suddenly find yourself living in reality instead of fantastical, bizarre and impossible imaginary worlds. Like a yogi or a dog trainer, you've acquired practical transcendence that allows you to manipulate reality (and your own perceptions) and move toward your desired results. And you find that the new, sharp edges of life have a different appeal.
(My thoughts... it is so true, I have learned a lot in the past year, about myself and relationships. Friendships and relationships with so called lovers. I was with this guy, not because I loved him but because i am afraid of being alone. It took me 5 months to realize that I don't need to always have a guy. Reality for me is that I gave up and lost respect for myself when I let my first love go. I learned the hard way that true love only happens once and when it does if you let it go, you are going to be miserable in every other relationship. Primarily because you compare everyone else to that first love)
Your newfound sense of personal discovery and the steps you've been taking toward living a real life with real reactions to real situations will make you feel independent. Occasionally, especially toward the beginning of the year, this may lead you to act out impulsively. Because you're so in touch with your own desires and cravings, you'll react quickly to situations that hadn't bothered you before. For instance, if someone has been flirting with you and you aren't really interested, you might just tell them to move on. Or perhaps you've been annoyed by a loved one's signature quirk, and you'll finally announce an ultimatum. This impetuousness may startle some, particularly those who have a romantic interest in you. But like most explorers, you won't care about other people's reactions, so long as you can keep on with the journey
(My personal discovery has been long awaited! I have finally awaken from the thought that I have to have someone constantly there to fulfill that void in my heart, which was due to the lack of love as a child. I am feeling very independent now, I am making my own choices and living with the consequences. If I can take the good from the past 5 months and spell it out, which is one of the many things I learned.....)
T here is not
R eally any one person in this world who
U nderstands what it really means to be
S olely
T ruthfull
N ever give full trust in anyone, even if you THINK they are your good friend
O ne way or another they will betray you
O ne who accuses others of lies is the one who is lying
N ot only are they lying they are stealing your faith
E veryone is out for themselves, so remember that and you will be the trusted one.
Someone from your past will reenter your life in July. If you feel that you've changed enough to handle old problems in new (and more useful) ways, then assess your own interest level to see if it's worth pursuing. Take their admiration as the compliment it is, even if you can't imagine the situation changing enough to permit renewed romance. There's plenty of excitement in the single life, and that luscious independence will carry you through. But if you still feel strongly about this person, and both of you are willing to try new approaches, then go for it with abandon.