Dec 03, 2011 14:56
It's so much easier to make it to the market now that the snows are clearing. I'm carrying enough extra weight as is. With all these cloaks and boots and scarves I was scared I was liable to just sink down into the drifts and drown!
Isn't it funny, though? Now all the snow's melting I'm a bit sad to see it go. Covered up so much ugliness in the Grounds, it did. Least everyone'll be warmer now.
[Filter: Ira Paranov]
Lord Myron is taking on Others as wards. I've counted five so far. They mostly keep to themselves. I've yet to determine what they are and what they can do.
[Filter: Mari verch Llewelyn]
You told Marijke Gelen about me? How many other people do you plan on informing? I'd like to prepare myself before I receive any more messages asking if I'm the Occia, if you don't mind.