Nov 16, 2011 16:14
[Filter: Indraneel]
We need to set some ground rules.
Don't tell anywhere where I've been, all right? That whole trying not to be seen thing... Stuff like that needs to stay quiet. And don't mention I'm friends with Siegmund except to Siegmund. [pause] It's complicated.
I'll teach you some hand signals later to make this easier.
[Filter: Jai]
Abel [ha] was able to confirm that werewolf in the woods is Cristofolo Sabreme. Hostile, though. Attacked Abel twice. The Grounds, first, then the woods.
Despite the aggression, Abel seems to think he can be talked to. Must not be completely beastlike.
[added later]
[Filter: Mari verch Llewelyn]
I already figured you were the one who told Cerys.
How did Jai find out about it?