[mod post; activity check, three days late edition]

Jan 10, 2012 18:13

For the Activity Check of the month of December, the following characters did not pass:

+ Everyone [honeybadger] (Logic, I know you've been having trouble accessing LJ. I can give you hiatus status if you'd like, or NPC everyone until you can find a work-around.)
+ Ermesinda, Romund Myron [gingaginga]
+ Ishmael Bharquite [inseaweedswim]
+ Laurent, Nayan, Sibohan [knightless] (Beth, I assume you're dropping?)
+ Rasmus [kappuchino]

You have the option to either NPC these characters for re-pick up at a later date or drop them entirely. Comment here or contact one of the mods to let us know your decision!

The next activity check will be on February 4th.

mod post, activity check

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