Jan 04, 2012 00:45
goals meme! Have a quiet, plot-filled start to 2012.
List your characters, then comment with up to 5 things the character wants, then up to 5 things you, the player, want to see happen to them. Comment to other people and see if you can help fulfil either their ic or ooc goals! It's a good way to get cr started or give characters something to do.
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*Surpass her father as a healer
*Be named a cancellarius
*Learn as much as she possibly can about the Hour so she can effectively protect the Citadel
*Find a plot of land just outside the city that she can turn into a proper vegetable garden
*Breakdown of epic proportions. I want to show how emotionally unstable she really is.
*Have her faith challenged. Or, well, make it clear that she doesn't have all that much faith to begin with.
*More CR! I won't say 'friends' or 'love interests', because, lol, it's Pearle. People she's forced to interact with on a near daily basis. Anybody want their character to get sick? She can tend to them.
*Have a healthy pregnancy
* Keep Allen safe and sane (keep him from ever finding out that he's a murderer as well as her baby-daddy)
*Remain in Silence and Myron's good graces
*Learn a real trade. She'd like to become a seamstress. Helping a tailor would be the ideal job.
*Rescue Cornelius from the citadel. Failing that, get her dog.
*Test her new-found maturity. She's more mindful because of Allen but that doesn't mean she's any less naive. If anything, the fact that she thinks all this has a chance of working out makes her more naive.
*More confrontations with Others. Well, not confrontations, but run-ins? After using Erme's potion and accepting Myron's necklace, she sort of views Others as a necessary evil. Their magic isn't condemnable so long as it's helping her. Cognitive dissonance ftw.
*Have someone recognize her that actually would inform the Citadel.
*Run into Evie! fake Occia can't screw brother*idk, it's very general, but I'd like to get across just how reckless she's become. If it weren't for Allen and the baby ( ... )
she doesn't want to screw your brother! he's scary and frightening :(
Also if she is very brave she can ask one of the Whispers re: her dog.
Oh, Moirine with a pitbull.
She will be a miniDee!
worst role model.
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