[info: the golden hour]

Apr 18, 2011 20:05

The Vanjalists of the Golden Hour

The Vanjalists began as alchemists, but their interests started straying after they discovered a way to tap into the power of Belief. They've found that, when concentrated, Belief can change reality. If enough people believe that the Duchess has fallen ill, she'll quickly develop a cough. If enough believe that the old widow in the boarded up house is a witch, she'll discover she can suddenly speak with cats. Belief also has curious effects on supernatural creatures. Since the Vanjalists began tampering with Belief in Tyrol, a startling amount of creatures have begun to pour through its gates. It attracts them like a magnet, much to Tyrol's growing discomfort.

Though their tampering with Belief is what they're most known for, most Vanjalists are primarily doctors and scientists, specializing in medicine and physiology. They are especially interested in the creatures coming into the city, and the Golden Hour offers room and board for any creature willing to submit to a few tests. As they are entirely voluntary and generally result with the creature in question allowed to linger, should they need a place to stay, the Golden Hour is popular with most of Tyrol's Others.

The Golden Hour headquarters is located against the West wall of the city.

The hierarchy in the Golden Hour begins with the Neophytes, new or yet-unskilled members that do the more menial tasks around the compound. They are largely treated as students and are sometimes chosen to shadow Adepts, the second tier in the Golden Hour. Adepts have earned their title through work for the Hour and are assigned projects and tasks by the Magus. The Magus is the head of the order. He directs all of the Hour's work and acts as their representative to Court and foreign interests. The Timekeeper acts as his assistant, managing his schedule, paperwork, and speaking in his stead if need be.

The four Magi oversee specific aspects in the Hour's work, and function similarly to a small council. They are referred to usually only as 'Magister' (or 'Magistra', if female); the titles Balgham, Dam, Safra, and Sauda are given to indicate which specialty is theirs.

Citizens of Tyrol can enter into the Hour as Neophytes at age 14, and must spend a minimum of five years study before they can progress to Adept. There is no experience requirement for an Adept to be chosen as a Magister, but only the most skilled Adepts can hope to win the title. The Magi reside for life or until retirement (forcible or voluntary).

[Characters Belonging to the Golden Hour]

+ Godric Vance
+ Ezra Joseph Naevin

The Magi
-- Magister Balgham, oversees healing
-- Magister Dam, oversees botany
+ Joscelin Whittemore
-- Magister Safra, oversees innovation
+ Rhea "Ree" Jones
-- Magister Sauda, oversees theoretics
+ formerly Edwin Thomas Bassani [deceased]

+ Amelia Varista [NPC]
+ Rayna Arlend
+ Duncan Heimdall Evandros
+ Marijke Gelen
+ Rowan Mata
+ Adrian Whittemore
+ Meg Meebles
+ Missie Evandros

+ Olinda Duval [NPC]
+ Mari verch Llewelyn
+ Lucia Cosimo
+ Sveinn
+ Tristan Wellington [NPC]
+ Lorelei Evandros

[The openings for Adepts and Neophytes have no current limit.]

*info, info: the golden hour

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