Who: Olinda & Sveinn
When: July 1
Where: Library, Golden Hour
Rating & Warnings: G, none.
Sveinn had already spent a fair amount of time within the Hour, which was why he'd finally settled on joining officially. People would already assumed he was affiliated. Might as well make it so. The library was one of the few places he actually spent a lot of time in, though - browsing the shelves, reading books, making notes of what books they had or didn't have for when he hit up the book stores (another place within the city he'd spend a lot of time in).
Standing at one shelf, the alfar held a few books up with one arm. The top book was open, and he was skimming the pages of it to see what sort of details it held within. Occasionally he would glance up as someone walked past, though he paid little attention to most.
After skimming a few pages, he closed the book and set it back onto the shelf, continuing his browsing of the spines for another book that looked to be of interest. There were many books on herbs and their various uses - he already knew everything that was in them, but he wanted to see what sort of knowledge the library contained on the subject.
Today Duncan had sent her on errand to grab him some texts on surgery and anatomy from the library. Not a section Olinda was particularly familiar with, but it was hard not to figure out which books he meant with covers like nude drawings overlayed with dozens of straight lines outlining every little detail. It didn't take "long" for her to pick out the books, though in actuality she had probably been skimming that section of the library alone for forty-five minutes. It was terribly easy to lose track of time when one was surrounded by shelves jam packed with knowledge.
Not realizing how much time had passed, the neophyte decided to pick out a book for herself since she was already there. Books pressed to her chest, Olinda entered the botany section and was surprised to see a head of white between the rows. A startled gasp escaped her lips. What was the Occia doing here!? But just as soon as she drew that conclusion her eyes discarded it. That wasn't the Occia -- well, she didn't think it was (she couldn't remember what she looked like, other than the hair) and besides, the person there wasn't wearing white. She dipped, tilting her head. "Hello," she said, equally cautious and curious.
Oh you have no idea how amusing he would find it to be confused for the Occia! He was not wearing white, though, no. Black lamb-leather pants, tucked into sturdy leather knee-high boots, and a black satin shirt with silver embroidery. As far from white as one could get.
Sveinn pulled another book from the shelf, setting atop the others he held and flipping it open to a random page. When he heard a voice, he glanced towards the speaker before realizing the greeting was intended for him. His gaze trailed over her, giving her a brief inspection before returning to her face. Then he gave her a nod, and a, "Hello," in return, his voice as effeminate as his looks.
His response was encouraging. (Why, it was only a 'hello,' gosh Olinda!) "Hello," she said back, again, a tentative smile blooming. "I've never seen you before here. Are you new?"
Oh. The obligatory 'small talk' that humans always seemed so intent on.
With an inward sigh, he closed the book and turned to the woman, nodding. "As of a few days ago, yes. Sveinn." Introductions were also something humans seemed to appreciate. Most of them.
Her smile grew bolder. "I'm Olinda, a neophyte. What are you studying, Sveinn?" She glanced at his stack of books, then up at his face again. "Herbology?"
Because yep, she didn't remember that the dude who had asked about Magistra Dam was the very dude (?) standing before her. :|b
"Not so much studying as familiarizing myself with the knowledge the Hour contains," he answered, giving the girl a more thorough inspection upon recognizing her name. "I believe we spoke on the ledgers, when I asked about the Magistra Dam." He had a good memory for minor things.
Her brows rose lazily as he corrected her, attention focused more on him than what he was saying. There was something unusually attractive about him, similar to the pull she felt from Amelia, Ermesinda, Reilanin... Similar to Belief, but different.
Her brows skyrocketed when he mentioned Magistra Dam. "Oh! Oh, yes, we did," she replied, as if she hadn't just been ogling him two seconds ago. "You are the--" very rich old man who traveled around the world, but Sveinn was most certainly not an 'old man.' Her tongue paused. "You are an Other?"
Why was it that any time someone in this city came across something that was unusual, they called it an Other? Not that it wasn't true, in his case, but still. At least he'd only been attacked for it once. So far.
He glanced down at the book he'd not had a chance to look through yet, and placed it back on the shelf, using the distraction to consider whether to answer truthfully or attempt to dodge the question. When he turned back to her, he nodded. "I am." People were going to figure it out anyway, though he decided to start returning the favour. "Are you?" he asked.
Her smile went crooked with guilt. "Ah... I am... I am, yes," she said, sounding very much like she wished not have this conversation. She hefted the books that were slipping in her fingers up with a jump. "How is working with Magistra Dam?"
Curious. He hadn't expected her to be, but with how she seemed to want to avoid the topic, perhaps he could escape being asked what kind of Other he was. "Not nearly as difficult as everyone seemed to think it would be." That brought a faint smirk, barely noticeable.
She took the smirk for fondness. "Do you and the Magistra get along?"
"I have yet to spend much time with her to determine whether or not we actually get along." They didn't not get along, but she'd mostly been keeping him out of her way. And he was more than willing to comply. "The Magistra seems to value being left to her work, thus I've kept myself occupied with other things unless she requires me." Like books. The library had a lot of books.
She cocked her head to the side, 'hmm'-ing. That wasn't surprising, but it was a little... Well... Why assign a shadow if the shadow didn't shadow? But if Sveinn had traveled all of Europe and was in the library to survey rather than learn, then perhaps it didn't really matter. "Why did you join the Hour as a neophyte if you're already knowledgeable?" she asked, honestly curious. If it was shelter he wanted, becoming a neophyte wasn't necessary. So what, then?
Sveinn considered the question. It had taken him a while to come to the decision, really, and he still wasn't entirely sure it had been the right one. "When I was traveling, I often took up the roll of medicine man or healer amongst the tribes I visited. I studied and learned what they had to offer while also giving back what I could provide. I wished to join the Hour that I could study what was known, perhaps expand upon it, and to be able to research with others, rather than alone. But there was no way to simply join as an adept."
"Ah." A pause, then, "Why not teach? There are other neophytes that could learn from what you have learned." Her smile brightened a bit. "I'm studying pharmacy, so I could learn something from you. Ermesinda is a witch. Maybe she could learn something about the ingredients she uses in her potions."
More consideration. He found himself considering more than he spoke since he'd come to Tyrol. "I would be willing to offer my expertise where it is needed, though I do not wish to offend any by offering it where it is unwanted. I have already offended one who thought that my saying I was more experienced was meant as insult." He rolled his shoulders in a subtle shrug. "As an adept, I would be able to teach, as well as being respected as an adept. Five years is not so long when you do not age."
"But if you can share knowledge now, why wait?" She shifted to strengthen her grip on her book stack. "You could put up notice on the walls, offering a... A workshop! A tutorial in a certain plant. To gauge interest? Oh, no, maybe offering something more general would grab more people." She looked skyward, eyes trained on the ceiling before looking back at him. "I would like to learn, at least," she said, a little sheepishly.
"I have noticed that those with no title tend to get little notice here. I am not known. I have no official title. I have even lost bids for sponsoring because of this." Another shrug. "I have no interest in hosting a workshop for a group of unknowns that I would have to teach simply because they showed up. I would much rather teach those whom I've specifically opted to teach. But as I am unknown here, most of those I'd wish to teach would not deem me worthy of teaching. Actually becoming an adept would give me the weight behind the title, making others realize I had knowledge worth learning."
He took pause to look the girl over once more, growing silent during the examination, then asked, "What would you like to learn?"
WOW. Olinda blinked, taking that all in. With a nervous laugh, she said, "I am not sure if becoming an Adept would give you the ability to pick your shadows. If Magistra Dam had that, you probably wouldn't be assigned to her."
She thought about his question, mouth scrunching up to one side as she did. "Mmm... I am interested in cures and poisons, but not to make them, but to understand how they work so I can know how to counter-attack them." Haaa, but he would have to deem her worthy of teaching. She wasn't even at the halfway mark yet in her neophyte-ness (almost, though!).
He shook his head. "Perhaps not a shadow, but the neophytes would be more willing to learn from an adept who offered them lessons than from someone who simply showed up and said they were experienced. And anyone else who wished to learn, as well."
Curing poisons? Well, it was a noble goal. "I can offer you the use of a book from my collection that speaks of the various poisons and how they work. There are some notes on ways to counteract the effects and increase the chances of the victim of surviving. It does not contain everything, of course, but it would be a start." More than that, and he'd have to see what sort of person she was before he actually spent his time with her.
"Ah, really?" she asked, face lighting up in excitement. "I would like that very much!"
Enthusiasm was something he could appreciate, even if he didn't show it. He nodded. "I will be sure to bring the book tomorrow morning. Where would I find you?"
"I could meet you here!" Aaah, a book on poisons from an Other! Perhaps it read differently from the books penned by Men? A different point of view on things? Might it even have something on wolfsbane, or any of the other night flowers she had been reading about? Oh, it was difficult to contain herself.
Sveinn nodded. "Of course. I shall be here in the morning, then."
Olinda grinned. "Thank you so much, Sveinn! I will see you then." She turned and, with a half bow of departure, left to deliver Duncan's books in high spirits.