Who: Silas and Sveinn
When: Shortly after
this threadWhere: Sveinn's garden
Ratings & Warnings: PG
Slipping through multiple layers of gates had actually proven to be no trouble, for Silas; despite being a monstrous black dog with burning eyes etc, something about being able to vanish really proved to be a great advantage. He wasted no time racing towards Sveinn's, his ledger firmly smoldering in his mouth. You know, just in case?
Another easy leap over the fence, and the hound was inside the gates. Dropping the book unceremoniously, he happily trotted around the garden, tail held high. Sniffing each plant in turn, he eventually paused beside one particular bush, a large flowering thing. It was just one of many, though all the flowers were different colors-- not that he could tell, of course. After shoving his snout into one of the roses and being pleased with what he found, Silas opened his mouth, jaws ready to close around the poor, unsuspecting thing.
'See you tonight, pretty man.' Not words he wanted to read in the ledgers. Especially not from a dog intent on eating his plants.
"I would appreciate it if you didn't eat those ones. They were really difficult to find." After that reply, Sveinn had taken his ledger out to the garden to wait, should the dogbeast follow through with his threat. He sat on a rock cluster that rested in the middle of the yard, surrounded by cobblestone. He'd been meaning to commission a statue to set there, but as of yet had not gotten around to it.
"If you are really intent on tasting plants, I could offer you a few flowers or leaves, but I believe you will find them far less... tasty than perhaps other things you would rather eat."
Ah? The hound stopped mid-bite, eyes darting to where Sveinn was sitting. His tail wagged in recognition as he withdrew from his chosen target, grinning broadly. "You waited for me! I am very flattered." Sure, it was probably just because Sveinn cared about the well-being of his flowers, but Silas thought it was nice to pretend he had friends.
Rose momentarily forgotten, he padded on over to the man, nosing at his leg. "If you are offering, I would much rather have that!" Then, everybody wins, right?
If Sveinn were one for showing emotion, he would be letting out the heaviest of sighs right about now. SO HEAVY.
Instead, he closed his ledger and set it down on the rock, far more careful with the book than this beast was with his. He stood, and made his way over to the roses, walking along the bushes before stopping before a pink striped gallicanae rose bush, carefully trimming one of the blossoms off. He then turned back to Silas, looking down his nose at the beast before tossing the flower at him, not wanting the thing's drool on his fingers.
If the beast was going to insist on eating his plants, he may as well humour it and ensure the rarer ones didn't get eaten. And whatever ones did get tasted at least survived the experience.
He-- was really feeding him? Silas leapt forward, neatly catching the offering in his mouth. Yes! Best night ever! Most of the rose had turned to ash before he could ever swallow it, but, he wasn't about to complain. It certainly didn't taste like poison, though, at least not to his delicate doggish sensibilities.
If anything, it tasted rather good. He began to eye the other roses hungrily, although his tail continued to wag.
Seeing the look on the dog's face only made Sveinn, well, want to cringe. He might have, if he weren't so adamant against showing even what little emotion he did feel. "I take it you enjoyed it. Unfortunate." He turned back to the bushes, scanning them and picking out another blossom, also carefully plucked from the plant, then began strolling casually through the garden, eyeing Silas as he toyed with the flower.
"I do not want to eating my plants without my express permission. Is that understood?" While he spoke, that flower remained in his hand, held so that Silas would be able to see it clearly.
"Of course!" The hound's gaze remained focused on Sveinn throughout the entire movement; he even sat down obediently, waiting. It was poor form to beg, after all.
It wasn't really an unreasonable request, to be fair. Silas tilted his head, eyes drifting over to the blossom. Still a hard decision... all decisions were hard, though. He made a thoughtful noise, though honestly it sounded more like a growl. "Maybe." One flower just wasn't enough incentive.
Ah, but there were far more blossoms where that one had come from, Silas! Sveinn held the pink flower up, plucking one petal off. "I'm sure we could find things far more suited to your tastes than a bunch of flowers," he said, before tossing the blossom towards him. "You are a dog. I suspect you prefer meat, or bones." While this particular dog was an Other, he was, well, still a dog, and Sveinn tended to get along with animals, for the most part. Unless they dug up his garden and killed off his plants. Which he was hoping to avoid.
The hound chuckled even as he caught the second offering, gulping it down quickly. "Truthfully, I do not care, as long as it tastes good." He had long ceased to be scrupulous-- half of the joy in eating was the act itself, since most food tended to disintegrate so quickly.
It was a hard life, that. That whole line of thought made Silas lick his chops. A steak would be nice, sure. But the roses? Just as nice. He tilted his head once more, waiting for Sveinn to outline the rest of (what he assumed was) his upcoming proposal.
"And what about more active prey?" he asked, pausing beside another common rose bush to pick one of the blossoms off of it. "Would the thrill of chasing down and killing your own meal have any value to you?"
He gave the bush a minor examination before turning back to Silas to toss the blossom towards him, then continued along his stroll. He was only half paying attention to the dog's position, at this point. Just enough to notice when it moved from where it sat, and otherwise admiring his flowers and other plants.
"It depends on how challenging it is!" He followed Sveinn along, much like a regular faithful hound. Occasionally he paused to sniff at particularly interesting plants, even attempting to sneak a nibble here and there in the hopes that maybe, the alfar wouldn't notice. "Men are usually the best to hunt, but it is hard in this city. They know too much about People."
Any time he caught Silas trying to sneak a nibble, he'd hold a hand up, finger extended, and utter, "No." If it worked after the first time, anyway.
"Ah..." That actually made his step falter, and he turned his attention to the dog. "Men would not be the best thing to hunt. Especially here, since you would only anger those who would already see you dead." If he were any more human he'd probably feel disgusted. As it was, he just shook his head and turned back to looking over his plants.
Another blossom was plucked from another bush, and he stopped his strolling again. "I was more referring to going for a walk through the woods. There are deer, and many smaller creatures, even larger birds if you wished to attempt them. All of which would likely flee at the sight of you, if not the smell. Which means you'd get quite the chase out of them. Something of a game."
Ah, so he was watching. No nibbles occurred, at least not tonight-- the pretty man continued to be quite firm in his commands, it seemed. Silas could get used to that, he supposed. It was good to have friends that kept you in line.
"I assumed that after I was stabbed! I will not be hunting any men, here." Well... except Isvelle. But that was a Special Case, and certainly not for something as simple and crude as eating. "Beasts are much too easy to outsmart, though! It is hard, sometimes, trying to get a good hunt out of them." The instant Sveinn stopped moving, Silas sat down, watching him carefully. What now?
He shrugged. "If you were making it a game, you wouldn't try too hard to outsmart them. See how long they last. Perhaps see where they lead you." That final blossom was dropped for the dog, before Sveinn walked back to the rock he'd been sitting on, retaking his seat. "Perhaps try each of the different beasts to see which were the most sport to chase. There are some that live in the ground, some in trees... ah, but do try not to burn down the forest. It is bad enough I have to tend to the plants those men damaged rampaging about." That actually brought a scowl to the his face, and he absently rubbed at his right arm just above the elbow.
"Why would I care where they lead me, if I am hungry?" Duh, Sveinn. "They are terrible at following the rules, anyway! Very shameful." For once, Silas did not stop when the other man did; instead, he walked very careful circles around the alfar's perch of choice, nose pressed to the ground. What was so special about this spot? He couldn't figure it out.
Sveinn's movement made him pause, however. The hound lifted his head just in time to catch the tail end of the motion, and would've raised an eyebrow if he had the means. "Something wrong with your arm, pretty man?"
Sveinn shrugged. "If it were a game, you would not be doing it while hungry, but for something entertaining to do." He glanced over his garden. He would not want to see how much damage this beast could do if he came in hungry and unsupervised. "For simple hunger, I would hope a simple deer would be enough, whether it gave a good chase or not."
At the last question, he gave a dismissive wave. "I was in an altercation with some men in the woods. Nothing serious." It was just a bruise, though for him, it was one of the more serious injuries he'd gotten. Most he could just heal. Iron was not so easy.
He snorted. "I can entertain myself easily. There are plenty of things to do, at the Hour." He thought it was probably best not to confirm whether or not a deer was enough. Hunger was an unpredictable, fickle mistress.
The arm seemed much more interesting, though. It hadn't ever seemed like the pretty man moved for anything that wasn't serious... "And you're sure about that?"
Well, there went his hopes of finding more interesting prey than his flowers. He'd have to think of something else.
Sveinn gave another shrug. "A bruise. It will heal." Eventually. Lousy humans and their metal tools. Unfortunately, not being one for small-talk, he had difficulty trying to come up with some other topic to draw attention from himself. So he simply folded his hands and rested them on his knee, his head tilted as he watched Silas.
And then they stared at each other 'til dawn. So excite!