May 21, 2007 12:41
I'm finally home in township. After a week of finals followed by an away gig and slight boredom, Patrick came up to visit for the rest of the week and we left Saturday after I sang in the rain at commencement with the rest of the Lyrics. Congrats to everyone who graduated - you made my first year at RPI amazing and I can't thank you enough.
This year really has been great, I've grown so much as a person and still stayed pretty much the same. School was everything I imagined, and some things that I could never expect. I'm so glad to be home, I've missed twp, but I miss being at school too. Yes, I miss the dirty city of Troy, incredibly loud floor, and infuriating cell bio labs. Summer is going to be wonderful, but I also can't wait to get back to RPI.
For now, I'm living in the moment, glad to be here, and looking forward to an incredible summer.