Title: Fluffy
Pairing: Lee/Anko
Genre: Romance/Humor
Word Count: 369
Rating: NC-17 (explicit sexual content)
Warnings: sex, a bunny suit, and a bit of crack
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Summary: Everything about him was just so incredibly cute and fluffy.
Author's Note: A prompt response originally posted to the latest
Naruto anonymous kink meme.
My third (and final, for the time being, although there are some that tempt me still) kink meme prompt response. As soon as I read this cracktacular prompt, Lee's line came to mind, and I had to write it. XD
The original prompt:
Lee/ Anko - Bondage/ Plushie
Perhaps these two have an affair. Anko has a tendency for fem- dom, but only when her partner is dressed as a fluffy pink bunny.
Anko just couldn't resist his eyes, so wide and round and innocent; and when he was tied down to the bed, in that pink furry suit with the big floppy ears and cutesy little bow tie, he was utterly adorable, just as his eyes suggested that he was on the inside. There was only one part of him that she wouldn't label adorable on display, and it was proud and erect; impressive was definitely a better word for it, and the sight of it made her lick her lips hungrily.
“PLEASE, MISTRESS ANKO, NIBBLE ON MY CARROT!” Lee said, his round cheeks a bright red.
She almost giggled at the full-hearted exhuberance that he used when completely embarassed; everything about him was just so incredibly cute and fluffy. She slithered her naked body over him until her knees were on either side of his head and her mouth was within striking distance.
“Well, it does look pretty tasty,” she said with a wide grin before nibbling lightly on the very tip of his cock. Even the surprised gasp that he made when her teeth made contact was endearing.
She ground her dripping wet pussy down onto his face. “I've got something for you to eat too, so dig in, Fluffy.”
And he did, with the same charming enthusiasm that he used for everything else in life, flicking his tongue over her clit and making her hiss. It was infectious; she plunged her lips down over his cock and sucked on it with equal zeal, determined to take in every impressive inch of him.
His contagious, youthful eagerness was what always kept her coming back for more; that, and the way that he always smiled at her afterwards, caressing her with his callused hands and cuddling her to him so gently no matter how rough she was on him. It made her feel for a little while like she was the cute and fluffy one when he held her close like that, and it never failed to chase away the dark, cynical demons that sibilantly whispered and lurked in the back of her mind.
Oh, and snakes do love to eat cute and fluffy things, after all.