re-posting an article i put in my class blog

Nov 02, 2006 21:29

it's a rant again. an only partially-explained rant because i don't want to delve into it. but i don't understand "artifical closeness" or "fake intimacy", or whatever i choose to call it at this moment. i feel that i rant about class "x" too much (not this one), but here goes: i don't want to hear other people cry about their nightmares, or their dead relatives, etc in class. we all have shit in our lives. i don't want to be made to feel that because i don't chose share it with 25 strangers and cry about it, that i am somehow less of a person than these people or than this professor. and i resent him for it.

note: i don't want sympathy, so don't respond, whoever actually reads this. it's here for me. anyway, i had to listen to someone in this fucking class cry about how her grandfather died a few years ago. and the prof thought she was such a good person bc she could cry about it. well guess what. my grandfather is dying this week. you think i don't feel that? but i choose not to cry about it in front of 25 people for some god-damned professor. so don't you dare make me feel like a bad person for it, you asshole.
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