Happy Anniversary

May 16, 2005 19:49

The Month of May holds a whole slue of anniversaries.

Six years ago this month, I was blessed by our dear mother nature with sharp pains in my lower abdomen. Writhing pain, actually. I later discovered that these sharp pains were entitled "cramps"--a direct effect of a "period". The likes of which I had only recently learned about. Awesome.

Six years ago-that same day, I came home from school and found out that we were getting a new puppy. My Bailey. I do love her.

One year ago tomorrow-I talked to Craig for the last time on the phone. The first "i love you."

One year ago on the 19th [which is in 3 days]-Craig will be out an entire year. It's amazing how time flies...whether you're having fun or not. One year down. One year to go.

...okay, so that's not as many as I thought, but it sounded good to say that there were a whole "slue" of anniversaries.

Considering it's my anniversary of my period, my ovaries are freaking out.But I'm yet to actually start. But, I've still had some ridiculous cramps for about 2 weeks now. On and off. Just enough to annoy. Dang, I love the way my body can throw a celebratory party.

--katie claire [thesecondyeargoesfaster,right?]
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