Apr 11, 2005 21:11
I went to prom on the 8th. It was fun. But mainly because Baxter was with me. I loved my dress. Baxter looked awesome in his tux. I was quite a fan of it. Dinner was delicious. The dance was pretty good. But the after prom was the best. We came back to my house-where Kaycie, Brittany and Catch stayed while we were gone. [Brittany and Catch drove down town with me and Bax to show us where to go--we got a little lost. We ended up chaning into our prom attire in the Hilton Hotel. Pretty funny.]
Baxter played his guitar for us. I'm pretty sure I drooled a little bit over that.
Adam and Jake came over at like 3 something in the morning-by doing so, they completely woke us all up. It was pretty exciting. We didn't sleep that night. Just didn't think it was worth it. Staying up was much more fun.
We went to Wal Mart the next day and bought a foot ball and some kites and went to a park. I was consumed by gnats and my shoes got dirty. But it was still fun. And Kaycie and Baxter had a kite contest. Baxter won. I found a dead catapillar the size of my hand. I screamed. And shuddered. It was grosser than gross.
We sat around for pretty much the whole day after that. Being that we were all in my sauna of a room, we were all completely lethargic and totally lazy. Baxter played his guitar some more. I fell asleep listening to him play. That was nice.
We went to the beach that night. There was some drama. It was cool though, because Catch and I got to spend some time together on the swings. We ate dinner at Spanky's. Wonderful, as usual.
Went home. We had 1:30 am FHE-awesome. Brittany and Catch slid down my stairs on pillows and blankets. Kaycie and I watched. And laughed. A lot. By far the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. [There's no way of expressing it's glory.] We played the Broom Game. I laughed quite a bit in that too. But I was pretty much about to throw up from laughing at Brittany and Catch so I didn't play. Just laughed some more and felt a little gross because of it. But I cuddled on the couch and fell asleep pretty much instantly. I think everyone did.
We went to church Sunday morning. Baxter made us all cry because of this awesome slide show he put together of pictures of Christ-with the song "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" playing. So great.
The boys and Catch played foot ball in my front yard after church and some soccer and whatever else.
I made Baxter cheese cake. We watched a golf tournament. [My life has reached a new low because of it.]
Everyone left. And I was sad. But they promised they would come again. Though I doubt they will. I can't wait until this summer when I can go visit everyone without school getting in the way. Ahh summer. What a wonderful thing it is.
I needed this weekend.
Happy Birthday, Baxter.
--katie claire [ifyouonlyhalfwayknew]