
Feb 02, 2010 21:15

[Vash is bored so he’s made his way to the square and is by the fountain. He’s got a large blue ball with him that he’s bouncing aimlessly. Anyone up for a game? Anything? If not you may also be getting a snowball tossed at you. Not just anyone; just those he knows or people who also look bored. He doesn’t want to smack someone who’s just trying to ( Read more... )

straw hat couch is comfy, raven, chopper, mmhmm floor eggs!, he's got a ball, my head hurts, kouichi, nami, bored vash is bored, meryl, terra, simon, nami is not nice..., stupid aku, kohaku

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esper_flight February 3 2010, 23:48:20 UTC
[Terra heads over in his general direction. She's not loaded with groceries or books for once, and her pace is a slow, wandering one. Ball or snowball time?]


goldenglasses February 4 2010, 00:51:24 UTC
[Hm. She appears to be deep in thought, so not going to toss a snowball at her but the ball will 'slip' out of his hands so it goes bouncing gently before smacking up against her leg.] Hey Terra!


esper_flight February 5 2010, 23:50:28 UTC
[Terra blinks upon feeling the ball smack her on the leg and looks down. Bending over, she scoops it up and holds it out.]

Hello, Vash! What are you doing with this?


goldenglasses February 6 2010, 03:18:42 UTC
[Smiles and waves] Trying to think of a good game to play in the snow. What are you up to?


esper_flight February 6 2010, 23:09:59 UTC
Oh, just wandering since I have some free time.

[She tilts her head, thinking.]

Hm...I don't know that many games. I can manage a decent snowball fight, though.


goldenglasses February 7 2010, 02:28:49 UTC
[Throwing snowballs at someone who looks deep in thought he hardly knows? Naw. Throwing snowballs at someone who says they're decent at snowball fights? Yes please!] Are you now?


esper_flight February 7 2010, 22:32:27 UTC
[In response, Terra backed away and began to scoop up some snow. Time to see who had quicker reflexes.]


goldenglasses February 7 2010, 23:02:34 UTC
[Vash is also backing away looking for cover, scooping up snow as he goes.]


esper_flight February 8 2010, 20:46:58 UTC
[And...snowball time! Terra straightens and glances over, then hurls hers as quickly as she can.]


goldenglasses February 8 2010, 21:02:03 UTC
[He yelps and ducks just in the nick of time, throwing a snowball in retaliation as he straightens back up.]


esper_flight February 9 2010, 20:29:21 UTC
[Terra's swift, but the snowball grazes her shoulder. The snow dust sprays her cape a bit, but that doesn't stop her from backing away and scooping up more snow. She aims as though to throw it, then thinks better of the idea and moves to a better angle before letting it fly.]


goldenglasses February 9 2010, 21:52:56 UTC
[Vash lets that one smack him in the back as he’s a bit engrossed in creating the perfect snowball!] Gahhhhhhh! Cold! [Spins around and tosses his snowball.]


esper_flight February 10 2010, 21:27:40 UTC
[That makes her giggle.] Of course it--[A little caught up in her amusement, she didn't quite move to dodge until it was too late. The snowball smacks her in the side and she eeps.]


goldenglasses February 11 2010, 02:07:55 UTC
A-ha! Direct hit!


esper_flight February 11 2010, 21:29:22 UTC
That was a good shot...but I'll get my chance, too!

[Terra runs and slaps together a snowball, perfection mattering much less than speed. She aims for his hair.]


goldenglasses February 12 2010, 00:56:47 UTC
[Ack! Not the hair! Dives out of the way which has him skidding face first in the snow so he’ll get covered in more snow than if he had taken the hit. But he’s already got a snowball set and tossing it your way as soon as he can sit up again.]


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