(no subject)

Dec 21, 2009 20:05

[There is a small thump as the journal falls onto the floor and opens up. There is a side view of Vash’s room with various items being tossed around. The room is in a disheveled mess only getting worse as he throws more stuff around. Vash, however, at the moment is out of view.]

It was right here! [There’s a small whine to his voice.] Swords don’t just get up and walk away. At least… that I know of. [There’s a brief view of Vash’s legs as he crosses the room to look elsewhere] What have I been doing for the past two days!? Oh man… it’s not like me to forget… except… [Pause] No… there have been lots of people who’ve forgotten… it’s gotta be for another reason.

[Longer pause and then yelling!] Why do I keep LOSING things!?

(OOC: Vash is looking for Miyabi’s sword… which he already gave her. Poor boy just doesn’t remember that she’s even back! And yes… Vash is very good at talking out loud to himself.)

[Voiced shortly after being yelled at by Sanji.] M-Miyabi? Are you back?

miyabi, sanji, remus lupin, talking out loud, nami, losing his mind, meryl, keeps losing weapons, kohaku

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