[April fools. Vash remembers that day and he has been planning. So what if he was a little late! He had been planning this since he was pranked LAST year, more so after Wolfwood had shown up. He wasn’t going to miss it just because he had spent a week as an…
octopus thing… If you have CR with Vash and can take a joke - you can bet there might be a little surprise waiting for you. For starters outside your front doors there is a silly mask hanging by a string at eye level. Intended to give you a slight fright as you head out your door in the morning! All the dish soap in the restaurants and bar have been replaced with syrup and condiment tops have been unscrewed. There may be a bucket of water rigged on one of the doors in Seventh Heaven for a certain chef. Those being one of the few places he could safely sneak into/around during the night. But oh… there will be more for later in the day, but for the morning there are more high jinxes to be found in C4.
Starting with ground zero: his own apartment. The center of that being Wolfwood’s room and seems to move outwards.
It starts fairly early for the preacher man, as Vash has hidden a LOUD alarm clock in his room somewhere to go off around 3:30am. Don’t worry about the light not working. Vash just stole your light bulbs. Those cigarettes you love so much? Have been coated in paint. Enjoy all the colors of the rainbow! Watch out for that bucket filled with syrup above your door, although it will go well with the peanut butter Vash smeared onto the back of the doorknob. Then inside your shoes are small water balloons, just WAITING to be burst open. Oh, you need to shower now? Because that bathroom isn’t safe either.
There’s bubble wrap hidden under the toilet seat. It took him awhile to find some that would make a nice loud pop when sat on. Toothbrushes have been soaked in lemon juice for a few hours. There’s powdered kool-aide hidden in that shower head. A sticky, red shower is just what everyone wants in the morning. Also, trying to use the bathroom or kitchen sink? Because both faucets have duct tape hidden under them so that the water will spray everywhere! Not to mention the flap to the toilet paper has been glued down, but surely you’ll figure that out after you spin it a few times looking for the end.
Careful leaving the apartment, there’s a piece of plastic warp stretched across the door. It’s set up higher to smack Wolfwood in the face, so Meryl might be safe on this one!
The pranks spill out into all of C4! All of the milk that he could find has been dyed a very light green color. No reason to think it went sour is there? Any cereal boxes he’s found have been switched. Trying to pour some cheerios? Sorry, you have Fruit Loops now. In fact, just be careful opening any cupboard in those shared kitchens. Many are filled with ping pong balls. Also, careful with that salt and pepper, their tops have been unscrewed.
As for friends - you’re pranks come a little later once he can sneak into your houses. Feel free to find any of the ones listed above or your own! (SO LONG AS IT’S HARMLESS!) Maybe Vash switched the drawers of your clothes around. Now your shirts are where your underwear should go and your underwear where your pants should be!
As for who’s to blame? It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. Vash has left
a little calling card with each prank that lists - BELATED APIRL FOOLS! As for where to find him? That’s a bit more tricky. For you see, Vash has taken his flowers and moved temporarily into room 21 of CH6. No, he doesn’t know he just temporarily moved in with Legato, Yuber, and a bunch of other badies. All he knows is that building was far from CH4 and the square.]
[Filtered from Legato/Yuber 100% Unhackable]
Happy April Fools everyone! Sorry, I was late, it was hard to get ready without thumbs! [And here the recording just breaks into obnoxious laughter.]
(ooc: Also as the idea was only just brought to me - if you'd like to thread out with your house hold with finding pranks together feel free to do it in this post. I also love to encourage thread jacking and hopping! Just have fun!)