
Sep 28, 2010 09:07

[Today is the day Vash hates the most out of the year. The anniversary of the “Big Fall”. The day the ships crashed into the planet Gunsmoke. The day Rem died. He heads out early and quietly, his usual smile gone, he can’t even muster enough energy to put up the mask of a smile he usually wears.

Most of the day he’ll be sitting quietly around the square to people watch. Seeing people going about their days, looking happy to be alive, usually helps, but not today. Eventually he takes out the harmonica he’s been learning how to play and attempts to play Sound Life, but can’t get it just right. He gives up after a couple attempts and bows his head into his hands.]  I’m sorry Rem… I haven’t… I… [I killed someone. I haven’t taken care of Knives. I left you. You were here and I wasn’t there to protect you again… And now he’s crying.

Later, when he can get a hold of himself, he’ll wander out deep, deep into the forest. A spot he picked because he felt not many people visited this area. This is where he planted the flowers that Rem left behind. He tends to them and spends a few hours practicing the Earth magic he knows.

As it starts to grow dark and cold he winds up at Good Spirits. He‘s got a bottle of whisky next to him up at the bar, but he‘s nursing that glass in front of him. Glasses pushed up on his head, even if he is indoors, and head bowed. He‘s not crying, just exhausted after a trying day.]

legato is a crazy stalker, only real men cry, missing his mommy, bon clay, terra, people watching should be a sport, just a little depressed - okay a lot, stupid legato, samurai jack, not afraid to cry in public, brook, amaterasu, jack sparrow, raven, wolfwood, emo kills remember?, labrador, usopp, katie (moppet), meryl, harmonica, big fall anniversary, emo

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