
Aug 31, 2010 18:58

[Vash is in a good mood today. No, not good - a great mood. He should feel bad that Wolfwood is stuck here, but it’s just so good to see him again. There’s so many thing to tell… and not tell… him. Like the changing weather Luceti has! Which is why he’s at the clothing store today. He remembers waking up in Luceti in the snow and how cold it was. It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to get some extra winter clothes for whenever it comes again.

So far he’s found some mittens and is looking through the jackets, nothing catching his eye until his hands land on a white jacket. A familiar white jacket. He nearly rips his pocket open yanking his journal out and scrawling out a hasty, but utterly pointless filter.]

[Filtered from Legato // 85% 100% Unhackable (thanks to Batman)]

MERYL! WOLFW- EVERYONE! There’s a man here - a new feather! His name is Legato and he’s extremely dangerous. He has blue hair and evil, soulless, yellow eyes. If you see him; get away! He hates everyone, don’t be fooled if he tries to speak calmly to you! He can-

[Suddenly in the background there is the sound of someone pointedly clearing their throat and Vash immediately shuts up. Eyes widening, but not turning away from his journal just yet.]

Excuse me. ...I believe you have something of mine.

[Vash slowly turns towards the voice. Snapping the journal shut.]

(ooc: Action reserved for Legato - no interrupting their fun catching-up time please. As for any voice responses - sorry, Vash won’t be answering right away as I want to see how this thread ends and aha - he’s a little distracted. So if you want a response please let me know extreme back tagging is okay with you as I’m also going on haitus soon. *cough* So I mean extreme. If it is I’ll have him get back to you… eventually. LIES! Thread is finished enough - I'll be answering!)

legato is a crazy stalker, ted, rydia, uriko, xion, gtfo of my luceti, lilynette, but i was on vacation from guys like you, stupid legato, v-13, sanji, i blame hand puppets, stupid yuber, haruki, wolfwood, jay, dnw!!!!, batman, meryl, okita, rangiku, just trying to get ready for winter, naoki

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