American History X

Apr 12, 2007 21:13

Even for all the good things I have done in my life, I do not deserve this.

I don't think anyone's ever really done something like that for me before, really gone out of their way to make me happy like that.

Jesus, what a difference. For once I don't feel like I'm the only one trying.

June 23rd == Me + Her + Dresden Dolls Concert in Dallas.

Anyways, let's get a real life update in here, finally.

So I got my first ticket a few weeks ago, of course right after coming back from Europe(in other words, I was broke ass poor). $120 worth of pain, ew. But, the cop was actually decent about it. He coded it so it won't go on my driving record, ooh rah. Then I wound up being in a financial bind and now I owe my parents money.
I'm actually glad it happened, though. A sort of kick-in-the-ass lesson of money management that I need for the adult world.

School has become increasingly stressful. At this point, it's just wearing me down. It has become harder and harder to roll out of bed in the morning; I keep getting up later and later. I want to punch nearly all of my teachers in the face, hard. Especially my AP Comp Sci teacher. Surely you would think that if only two, TWO out of the TWENTY-EIGHT students in your class are taking the AP test, perhaps you are doing something wrong.
Or you could just blame it on us and give us quizzes and tests on a daily basis over information we never understood in the first place because you are SO INCREDIBLY INCOMPETENT.

God, I cannot believe I got in. I really, truly cannot. I mean fuck, LYDIA didn't get in. LYDIA, like number five in my class of 900+ students. Good grades and AP courses out the ass.


And for another bit of good news, I somehow got a check for $100 from my Great Aunt Edith for a graduation gift. God, that's so ridiculously nice of her, I've only seen her maybe three times in my entire life! I have to call or write the woman and thank her.

Oh yeah, nother random life update-- I have this insect bite on my right arm that has not gone away for about two weeks now. At first it got really swollen and then went down, and then it looked like it was going away but I woke up Sunday morning and the skin around it was all dark pinkish in a circle. It doesn't hurt or itch or anything. Went to the doctor on Monday and got some antibiotics for it, so that's good. It seems to be going away, but I just want it to be gone; it's making me rather freaked out, especially after Bobbi got that brown recluse bite last year.
Hm. It was nice seeing my doctor again. I love that woman, I owe her my life as I know it.
You know what's funny? One of the things I'm going to miss the most about being a kid is not being able to go to her. I don't want to have a new doctor, I just want her! She is like my second mother. I wish I could have found the words to say how I felt.

I love you, thank you for all that you have done for me and my family. I won't forget the time you visited me in the hospital, or that you are the reason we heard of National Jewish Hospital. I love you, thank you.

But I faltered. I smiled, thanked her for the prescription, and told her to look out for my graduation invitation in the mail.

Lately, on the eve of turning eighteen, I have been so incredibly nostalgic. It's all really happening, isn't it? What I have wanted for so, so long. I finally have it, and now I almost don't even know what to do with it.

God, it is amazing to think about all the people who have filtered into and out of my life in the past seventeen years.

I need to plan out my 18th birthday party. Jesus, it is coming up so quickly!!!!! AGGGGHHHHHHH.
I don't know, part of me wants to go HUGE, but another part of me just wants to make it a small group of the people I love, the people I care about. Those who have meant so much to me in the past year.
Egh. But then deciding who to invite gets terribly complicated.
I would like to invite Heather, but then it would be awkward for Chance and Marcella. But she has actually been a really good friend to me this year. Once she stopped blaming me for her and Chance's break up we actually started getting along quite well.
Part of me wants to invite Lauren, but I just don't know if inviting an ex is a good idea? I wouldn't want to make it awkward for anyone(especially Melissa), and somehow I think that would be awkward and uncomfortable for at least one of us.
Then I am only inviting a select group(Bobbi, Chance, Melissa, Robyn, Elyse) to Shogun's. I don't want everyone else to feel left out. But, on the other hand, I guess they will just have to deal with it. I just don't know. I hate the idea of making people feel like that.

Anyways, this is getting really long. Sorry guys. Guess I had more going on in my mind than I thought I did.

But how are you, really? How are all of you? Talk to me.


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