Sep 24, 2006 15:11
I love the sound and smell of rain. I love being out in it too, except that I don't like getting sick from it. I like walking the greenbelt when it's pouring rain and hearing and smelling and feeling it. I think it is an amazing thing. I just realized that I haven't done that since 8th grade. goodness, that makes me kinda sad. I think that if a guy were to talk me on a walk in the rain down the greenbelt, I would be really happy. I've always felt that the rain was quite romantic. There is just something about it that I really love. I just want it to rain on a day when I can go and walk down the green belt and just have fun with someone. That is what I want to do sometime. So if a guy ever tells one of you who read this that they want to take me on a date and don't know how to, tell them to ask me on a walk when it's raining and I will just think they are magical!!
I wonder what sparked those thoughts...It's not fact it's kinda warm and sunny and pretty out. Maybe it's because last week it was raining a whole ton. I don't know. but it is pretty and I like it. Rain is awesome!