Feb 14, 2007 19:46
I awoke to Hanna stand in my doorway mumbling something about a river. Finally it started to make sense. There's a river in your hallway. Hey wait that doesn't make sense. So I jump out of bed and go look. She's right. The hallway carpet is drenched and there is a half inch puddle of water flowing out from under the bathroom door. Slowly I opened the door. My bathmats were floating. More than two inches of water covered my entire bathroom floor. And water was continuing to flow out of the toliet. It was just running, clear clean water. But it just wouldn't stop running. So after a couple minutes of panicing I called management. They said they'd send someone. Sloane, Hanna and I gathered every towel I owned and drapped them over the messwhich had now spread fairly far into my room and to the door way of Julia's room. And then we waited, and waited, and waited. The toliet still running and spurting freezing water all over the floor.. So Sloane called her dad and told us idiots that there was a shutoff vavle behind the toilet.
With nothing else to do we sat down and waited for maintenence. It took an hour for him to get there, five minutes to snake ice outof the pipes and another five to call carpet guys to come drain our carpets. It took them two hours to get here.
But they were nice and did a good job. Put all of my furniture on little pieces of plastic and didn't charge me a cent. But they left these two huge blowing fans that I have to keep on for the next three days. Sigh
And then to top it all off my valentine didn't call me once all day today.
So there is my story,
P.S. A sincere thank you to Hanna and Sloane for helping me today. I owe you big.