atoyna_lilsnip ✧ CONTACT (EMAIL, AIM, MSN, PLURK, ETC.): aim ;; PrincessSeaNymph /// plurk ;; ramyakitty
✧ CURRENT MUSE LIST: Musetta (La Boheme); Selene (Greek Mythology)
✧ NAME: Eris ; Goddess of Discord and Strife
✧ SERIES: Greek Mythology
Eris' birth is questionable at best. While not an Olympian, some say that she was born to Hera and Zeus and is Ares' sister, as well as his most trusted partner in crime. Further, it is speculated that she was born to the night and shadows, Nyx and Erebus. Perhaps, for the sake of continuity, Eris was born to the titan goddess Nyx alone, without a father... Although she was not born to him, Erebus treated Eris and her siblings like they were his own. It is undeniable that Nyx cared greatly for her children, even while most of them were nothing but troublemakers.
As the Goddess of Discord and Strife, Eris was the go-to partner in crime for Ares. Her bloodlust was only matched by his, making the duo a formidable one. Long before other Gods would show up to war and long after they would disperse, Eris reveled in the bloodshed. For the goddess to list all of her conquests over the years, it would take far too long. But for what she is most known for was causing the Trojan war.
Eris was infuriated that all the immortals had been invited to Pelus and Thetis' wedding except for herself. It was less of the fact that she wanted to go and more that she had been blatantly left out. Still, she went anyways and proceeded to do what she does best. During the gathering, she tossed a golden apple of her creation that read 'Kallisti', or "to the fairest" towards the guests. Hera, Aphrodite and Athena each deemed it belong to them and since they could not decide who it was for, they requested Zeus pick. Cleverly, Zeus in turn made the mortal prince Paris choose. Athena offered him skill in war, Hera the power over men... But it was Aphrodite's offer to have Helen's hand in marriage that won the young prince over. When Aphrodite helped Paris kidnap Helen, who was already married, the Trojan war began.
Eris gleefully joined Ares on Troy's side and to the day marks this as her most brilliant of schemes.
Over the years, Eris continued to delight in others' misfortune. Nothing was quite as brilliant as Troy, but she was not lost for amusement. As long as mankind became more bloodthirsty with their new weaponry and causes for war, Eris would not grow bored. She did not keep to Greece alone, preferring to travel the globe for more amusement. She grew particularly attached to largely populated areas, big cities like New York, LA and London among many others are where she found the most amusement.
✧ TIMELINE: Modern
First and foremost, the Goddess is absolutely bloodthirsty. Nothing delights her more than to cause a good ruckus, especially if it ends up in bloodshed. She will go to great lengths to ensure that friends will become enemies and families will drift apart. It is simply in her nature. She is as close to evil as one could possibly get without being one of the dark titans, but even still, her attributes are more of a necessity. One cannot have war without discord and strife... Ares is incomplete without his counterpart and she without him. They are two sides of the same coin, each of their true powers needing the other's to truly attain perfection.
It is, however, a good thing that Eris does not strive for perfection in any sense of the word, then. She is plenty content with a small riot, or a slap on the face between quarreling lovers. Just a taste of contempt is all she really needs to have her spirits lifted... All-out war, on the other hand, is enough to make her gleeful for weeks or even months on end.
Through the years, with constant bloodshed and war, Eris has grown lazy. She doesn't need to plant the seeds of discontent amongst men nearly as much for her entertainment. They do a fine job of that on their own. She no longer has to actively seek entertainment, it pretty much comes to her.
She is brash, abrasive and heard-hearted. Very little can get under her skin and she has no problem with telling someone exactly what's on her mind. It's when she decides to be charming that one should worry. Her kind side, which is really just less abrasive than her usual demeanor, is reserved for select few. Her mother and siblings for one... And anyone charming enough to get through to her, which isn't an easy feat.
✧ ABILITIES/POWERS: Eris is the Goddess of discord and strife... As such, wherever she goes, she sows the seeds of discontent. Friends begin to fight, enemies call out war... She need not say a thing to a mortal to cause this feeling, but merely her presence causes others to feel their superiority to others. Even by throwing her golden apple into a group of people, they can be influenced by her powers. Being immortal, she heals quickly and ages slowly, if at all anymore.
✧ MASK DESIGN: Something akin to this ✧ PLACE OF SOLACE: None
[A crooked grin is the first thing the Portal captures in video before she shifts it up to her eyes. Mascara is smudged under her eyes. Her eyeshadow and eyeliner also suffering the same fate. But in her eyes she appears hungry and far more awake than her smudged make up might suggest. She sets the portal down, propping it to get a good view of her shoulders and up. Slender fingers rake through her hair, catching on the knots in the waves for a while before she finally felt hassled enough to speak. Seems like she already has the hang of the Teneka process...]
Here's the deal, my loves. Stay on my good side, and we'll be perfect friends.
Or better yet, find a way to keep me entertained and perhaps I won't go off and search for my own.
Tell me, do I have any family in town?
The Goddess of discord stood in the empty street, her clothing tattered and hair mussed. She looked like an average mortal girl... A mortal girl who just spent the past several days partying, with several day old make up caked over her potentially lovely face. Her blonde hair was tangled, falling in waves and knots over her shoulders... But her eyes carried a thirst for blood. Mischief. Something to satiate the growing need of causing some kind of trouble. This street was far too quiet, especially for a restless night like this. Her heels scuffed against the pavement as she surveyed the area, searching and hoping for a spark of inspiration.
This was not her world, no... She would have been able to speak if it were any variation of Earth. And these streets would not be so empty. But that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy herself while she was here. Her ears perked as pavement was scuffed, this time not by her own heels, but by someone about a block behind her. A golden apple materialized in her hand and she glanced over her shoulder, flashing her pearly white teeth at the stranger. On any other, whose face was not caked in makeup and had mascara smudged down her cheeks, it could have been coy and friendly. With Eris, it looked only a little less than threatening.
She held her apple to her mouth, tongue tracing along the golden fruit, before her grin widened and she tossed it back at the person and went on her way, slowly walking away without even acknowledging them.