Nov 02, 2004 05:31
It's so crazy how everyone older than me was so right about Asher, but I refused to listen to them. I'm glad I didn't, too. It's good that I've gone through this because next time around I'll be able to spot a bad and cowardly boyfriend. You know, I really am better off without him. Even though he brought a lot of things out in me I didn't know were there, he also hindered qualities that are so important to who I am. I was a lot more passive when we were together. I was very much dependent, too. I was weak and that's not who I am. It's really hard, though. He became so much apart of me. I invested so much of myself into him and it's going to be difficult to get back to life before Asher Griffith. I knew this needed to happen, too. Not because it was getting harder to be apart(which was his reason), but because I was becoming too dependent, and I knew the only way it could happen was if he broke up with me. I didn't want to give up and I didn't want to let go even though I knew I needed to. Now, I'm forced to and it sucks, but it will get better.
He's given me this motivation that I really needed. If he thought this would end me, he's wrong. It's doing just the opposite.
ha, now I can go out Friday nights with my friends instead of wait for him to get in town or just sit around his house. wonderful :)