Feb 25, 2012 03:30
Hi all. :) I remember coming across a post (maybe here?) that detailed some Golden Pair differences between the manga and the anime, but I haven't been able to locate it again. Does any of you happen to know which post I'm talking about and have it bookmarked somewhere? I feel like after a while, the details have started to get a bit murky in my head. ^^;
I'm also wondering if anyone knows off the top of their head (or has a list) which manga chapters and/or anime episodes feature some sort of focus on GP, major or minor - either games, interactions, conflicts, etc? I'm trying to put together a list and timeline as best as I can without resorting to watching or reading the whole thing again. If any of you can help throw me some, I'd super appreciate it!
I'm mainly doing this to work out a timeline of the events for a GP fic I've been mulling over for some months now. :P
Thank you! :)