My day was made considerably better by the fact that we got out of school early due to ice slowly eating away the county. See, Indiana does have it's advantages! Shitty weather makes for shorter work-days! I'll still be glad to be back in California, even if there won't be any more snow days.
Was quite productive after a good dose of guilt and "why-am-I-so-lazy?" proceeded to kick around my psyche. I drew a little "to-do list" (I seem to love those lately...) about what I need to do online and off. I've decided I'm going to get atleast 1/4 of my sites up this weekend - as well as my Mom's sim site, which is going to take forever I'm sure - and force myself to update
golden_art with icons. Those of which I just made myself sit down and do five of. Five which did not suck and one made my best bud squee so yay.
Offline I just really need to buckle down and study, and clean up my room upstairs. It's covered in sheet music from practicing my piano and clarinet, as well as various books that have worked there way out of my shelves somehow.
It's five months away, and I figure that amongst all the giddy excitement, I do need to prepare myself for having to say good bye to my friends. Granted, it's not like they're dropping of the side of the earth; I'll still be able to talk to them. But just talking to someone and hanging out with someone are two completely different things, the latter being the better.
For a long time I considered my friend's here just place holders, or second-best to the friends I have in California, but now I have to sit here and pull out my hair for ever being so stupid. They made the past two years bearable. If I didn't have them, I really don't know what I'd do. School is stressful, home is stressful, annoying Great-Aunt and Uncle make me want to kill things, and just having Mom to talk to would eventually lead me to madness.
I really don't know how I'm going to be able to say goodbye! There's the promise of them coming out and visiting - one even going to college - but there's going to be the first few weeks when, despite the joy of being back home with all my old buds, I'll just get into this funk missing seeing so-and-so at lunch, or talking to whosaface during History. And I feel slightly guilty saying this, but it feels that - as a whole - the group I'm with now is closer to me than my old 'group'. No one will ever replace my best friend, but I'm talking general "those who you hang out with". It's probably just me having adjusted - of course I'm going to feel closer to them. After two years, if I were still grasping at straws and refusing to let anyone in, then that'd be cause for worry.
And so now I'm left with this weird dread/OMG WHY AREN'T YOU HERE SOONER feeling about May and the move. SIGH.