Nov 19, 2015 11:10
Nervy, jumpy...possibly I need a soy hot chocolate. (Because regular milk causes my entire body to ache. No gastric issues...all muscular and joint related, for some reason.) I should make some almond milk...I did get that nice nut milk bag, so I've no excuse other than laziness. Which isn't much of an excuse.
It's very windy today, with occasional spits of rain. Walked a long time yesterday (about two hours), and again it just about did me in. Caused a chain reaction of tendon, hip, and back pain...and it was just walking. I DON'T GET IT. My body doesn't work right. It thinks it's in pain when it has no reason to be. I. Don't. Get. It. Nothing I try makes it better. I've tried everything. Sleeping differently, eating differently, excerising differently...wearing different shoes...nothing works. Colour me baffled. And let's just forget it because all I can do is...well, nothing. So I just have to do *anything* and suffer the consequences, because doing nothing is too gross.
Homemade hot chocolate. It makes me calm. Or sleepy. Hard to tell the difference, sometimes. Oh it's warm today, though. I should quickly go out to the deck and pull out the contents of the window box and save the perennials. Anni planning is going well. V is handling decor, I'm doing most of the 'pre' food...all the crudites and appetizer type stuff, including cookies and so on...and some of the side dishes for the main meal. T is handling the main course stuff.
My entries are always so interesting. (PS: I had to tell you that, because I thought you might not have realized it.)