Thinking up titles is too bothersome.

Jul 04, 2015 21:05

Sunny all day and all of a sudden...pelting downpour.  And now it's stopped, no rain...but thunder.  Didn't see any lightning, yet the thunder was pretty loud.  It's a bit odd.

The mushroom tart was very good.  Made baklava with the remaining half pack of phyllo.  That was good, too.  Won't make the tart again though, not with phyllo anyway.  I'd use a thin-crust from PC, probably.  The phyllo doesn't make it any better and it's a load of bother.  So I think I might make it again if it's that way.  (The cremini mushrooms really are nice.)

Something happened recently and I'm sure I want to post about it and yet...I can't remember what it was. -___-  I wish my memory wasn't so full of holes that it's more hole than, er...not-hole.

I want to buy Fantasy Life for my sis.  (The baby one.)  I just think she'd really like it.  The storyline is lame but the gameplay is just so good...

weather, memory, family, cooking, food, games

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