There we go...should be a *little* less gaming posts, now.

Apr 11, 2015 17:06


First proper ride, today.  Not a fairly short one...probably only about 20 minutes.  It's very warm compared to how it WAS, but not warm over's 8C, which is, lessee...about 46F.  But it's supposed to be genuinely warm tomorrow...up to 18C. :D  (Uh...64F. Ish.)  The first week or two of riding is a bit tough, physically speaking...your conditioning is off and the weather is still pretty cold even on a warm day because the ground and the river is still frozen so any wind is very cold, which makes breathing more painful and exercise in the cold is more physically demanding.  (Not as dangerous as exercising in high heat, but more demanding of your metabolism.)

Aaaaanyway...I didn't want to ride very long today because of all that but mostly because I don't want to be too worn out to ride TOMORROW, when it'll be even nicer (at least according to the forecast, which is admittedly wrong at least as often as it is right...but the whole trend from now on looks decently warm, so...)

Yeah, I think I use ellipses too often, too.  But I'm not gonna stop.

biking, weather

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