Hello.... So I know it's been a really really long time since I've said anything to my sad little f-list... But you know how it goes. I was really busy finishing up the school year and I had to visit my dad in Omaha, which was bland and uneventful as always. But I have been doing art, so I thought I'd share with you guys because this is what this journal is for. :D Oh, and incase you were wondering... Click to enlarge and go to my deviantart page... :D Feel free to comment here or there, it matters not to me. And if you don't feel like commenting, that's okay too. ^___^
Recently I've really gotten into Benicio Del Toro. He's an actor incase you didn't know and I've been doing a few pieces of him... let me show you... :D
Benicio Del Toro 1 This drawing didn't take me too long. I think I actually drew it right after I drew my digital piece of Lawrence Talbot... So this one, I think it took me about two days, and half of that time was used to get his nose and hand right. His nose is pretty unique, which makes it hard to draw, and I just suck at drawing hands... XD I think it turned out okay, considering the amount of time I spent on it. :]
Now let me move on to a drawing that's taken me an awful amount of time to complete....
The Faces of Benicio This drawing while I was working on it was satan... Quite literally. I spent eight or nine weeks on it, and I tried to work on it at least three or four times a week. And each session that I try to do is at least an hour long. So add that up... Honestly I turned out differently than I expected, which isn't at all a bad thing, but it's different, you know? So here it is, judge it as it is... :]
The next drawing is a bit silly in my opinion... XD
Monster Mash This, if you even have to ask is a mash up of a whole bunch of movie monsters. Basically I thought "What would happen if you got a bunch of monsters together for a party...?" and thus the drawing was born. I tried to do a new style with it... but it's really not anything special...