I've decided, its time for a friends cut. I have some people on my friends lists that I haven't seen update in like forever. So... I'll be back in a little bit to edit this....
There are people that haven't updated in 100 weeks or more. So, the people I'm cutting won't even realize they are gone anyways.. I have went from 36 friends to 18. Wow, I guess I didnt realize I had so many people that didn't update anymore...
____lovexmeawesomeaustcasseyaundracursory__murderdarkenedskysdreambows__eatme_aliveex_execution570mi_isfor_lovers oc_chinogrlomgzitsmirandaoops_loveoxfordchick34rawrgoesthelionrotten_missytalexatheblamed_untamedcountryx_wee_kerrie_x Now its time to go through my communities.....