Either way, it makes my uterus hurt.

Jul 24, 2010 17:37

 My best friend Hannah had her babyyyyy! *does the happy dance* I've only seen pictures thus far, as they've request no visitors until Monday, but he's adorable. And she's fine but loopy, as she had a C-section and isn't off the drugs yet. His name is Ian, and he was 7lbs13oz, and 20.25inches. I say, that's a pretty big baby. Matt think that's normal.

Poll (For what it's worth, I was about 5lbs and 18inches [and also three weeks early]; Matt was about 9lbs and 22inches [and a week early]. I DO NOT LOOK FORWARD TO MY FUTURE.)

icon: unrealistic expectations, matt, poll, hannah, marriage, rbf-ness, happy things

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