Dec 18, 2004 16:01
I, like, totally woke up at 1:20 today. In the afternoon. I don't think I've ever done that before. So this just goes to show you how sleep-deprived I've been, because I don't think I've ever woken up later than 11:30.
Also, I'm still on coffee jitters from the two cups of coffee I had this morning, and I never have two cups of coffee, so my hands are shaking like mad crazy and so I can't type. You have no idea how many typos I've had to correct because I keep hitting the wrong keys. And that's saying something, because I'm near to being a touch-typist.
I wrote the first couple paragraphs of my Senior Exit Project. My topic's probably going to morph as I go along, but that figures. I might actually write it over break if I feel like it. Because I'm crazy like that.
Christmas is a week from today, and that's scary.
At this rate, I may actually have 25 pages done on my play by next Thursday. Buzzy. I don't know why I just wrote buzzy, except I'm IMing with Amy, and she's buzzy because she just got into University of Maryland Baltimore County, because SHE RULES LIKE THAT, so YAY AMY YAY.
Also, audition days rule. Because I have three days off next week, little work - HAHA SENIORS DON'T GET AUDITION ASSIGNMENTS - and I need sleep like mad whoa. Yes, I am completely insane, but I never claimed to make sense. I'm also working on 14 hours of sleep and two cups of coffee. Did I mention that I'm hyper? Because I am. Entirely.
We have presents under the Christmas tree now. I'm not done with my shopping yet, and that's bad. It's so weird, I've had like no idea what to get people this year.
Do you think they still sell Marshmallow Peeps this time of year, or do they only make them around Easter?
Anyway, I'm babbling like mad, so I'm going to stop now or I really will keep typing until...some random point of time in the future. Exactly.
happy things