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Jul 05, 2005 21:00

Ok so 2marrow my cousins r comin from iran and i am really excited! 2day i went to amelias house and  haley wuz there and we saw and awsome movie called MAD HOT BALLROOM! it wuz really funny and good! lol! then we went baq to the pad and went to the pool! it wuz lotz of fun except 4 that haley has a little ear problem so she couldnt really go under water! MY POOR BABY! lol! rite now i had dinner and i am bored! lol so im going to be bored the whole summer so call me...home# iz (818)348-8510 and cell #iz 618-5628! so call me so we can make plans...other exciting news iz that im going camping this weekend so ill be gone having fun the first time this summer! lol! i reall yhope the summer is gonna heat up a little! i bet it will! lol! i have a new joke sorda thing..and im not trying to be mean but listen to this...'blondes are hot but we all kno brunettes have more fun!' lol kinda cheezy but if blondes are supposed to have fun then y havent they done anything yet? i mean if u look at all the "bad girls" that do stuff at parties...THERE ALL BRUNETTE! lol but im getting sick of all these blonde and brunette jokes! imean who the hell cares! ok ill shut up now! lol so pleesz call me ppl!
♥ neda
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