
Aug 07, 2014 10:42

To anyone who sees this, hello! I just wanted to have some kind of greeting on my lj, since I'm still keeping track of it although I don't really post anything any more. I mainly keep it for reading fic and lurking like a lurker, occasionally popping up to leave an incoherent comment of joy. I'm also wolfhall on AO3 in case that ever becomes relevant. Most of my past entries are locked because they were just about life as a teenager, which nobody needs to see, let's be honest.

I could ramble more, but will employ some self-censorship and just say: may all your experiments work! May your data be significant!*


* I am currently a PhD student in a lab, this is a common science-based blessing.

hello, friends, i do love science, random information no one wanted to know

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