May 07, 2006 22:15
Nothing of real interest has happened to Hideo these past few weeks, but you might find them entertaining so I guess I'll talk about it anyway.
Two week's ago at work I get called into my boss' office since he wanted some information on a fight that broke out in the factory a few days prior. Before I could get to the office area my co-worker Vincent stops me and says "Hey, you know Anthony is talking shit about you in the break room." When it comes to people talking trash about me behind my back, especially in the work place, I'm smart enough to just let it go and go about my business. But this had been loud-mouth Anthony who has openly shown his contempt for me in the past (I was trained to be his supervisor). So, instead of doing the right thing and going to my boss' office, I head on over to the break room.
So I go into the break room and catch this dude laughing it up with some other white guy about... whatever. I can't remember. Anyway he looks at me and freezes up, and gives me this look like "What the hell are you doing here?" So of course I was even more pissed off than I was. I told him "If you got something to say about me, say it to my face, man." So he puts his cup of water down on the table, and starts taking off his jacket. First thing that comes to my mind is "this dumbfuck is going to try and swing on me." Why else would this fool take off his jacket? It was damn-near 30 degrees in the room.
Me "Hey, if you thinking about fighting me in this break room, I'm tellin' you right now that I'm going to fuck you up. Now if you got something to say about me, say it to my face."
Him "First of all, I don't have to do anything some chink-eyed nigger tells me to do."
Guys... I tried to talk to 'im ( © Lil' Wayne ). Anyone who knows me, online and offline, I don't let racial slurs get to me too much. But I had gone through so much racial bullshit as a little kid, watched my mother and father get called names for simply walking together, hearing about my sister's school principal - THE PRINCIPAL - calling my little sisters 'nigger'. And it I just snapped, guys. I swear to God, I just snapped and I went to wailing on that ass. I was like Malcom X and Richard Aoki, beatin' that cracker's ass until my boss pulled me off of him.
He didn't need to go to the hospital, but I hurt his ass up pretty bad. He was already going to be terminated, and so my boss just let him go. I was surprised I didn't get fired! But I do remember my boss saying "I saw all I needed to see," so I figured that he must have reviewed the tape after it was all said and done. I did get suspended for a week without pay, though. My boss likes me, a lot, and he tells me all the time that he sees a lot of potential in me, and that I'm too intelligent to be acting all ignorant, LOL. It's all good though. I got my hits in.
Almost a week after that, I get rushed into the hospital because my lymphnodes were swollen. Face/neck, underarms, groin area - all of that was just throbbing in fucking pain. I'm not even going to lie, guys, I thought I was going to die in there for a second. And I started thinking about all of those times I didn't go to chemo and shit, scared of my hair falling out due to radiation and all that. I spent four days in that fucker, and you can bet your ass I don't miss a fucking day of chemo or radiation. Though I'm feeling a lot more drained nowadays, I'm pretty sure it's only for the best.
Welp, that's all the interesting stuff that's happened to me. I hope you all got a good laugh and crap. Peace.