How delightful it is to age!

May 26, 2009 10:23

I guess now that I am 46, each new year brings on its' own new delights: 1) Wiry, little chin hairs, which are secretly and not so secretly, plucked ( I feel I must explain myself here as I sometimes pluck with determination as I drive, as wrong as that may be). 2) My stylish hairdo needs to have color added much more often now as I seem to be turning into my grandmother(God rest her sweet soul). 3) A small waddle has developed under my chin, which I stare at in disgust in the mirror, wondering when it was that it attached itself to my chin. 4) And now, the best of all--I don't sleep. I toss and turn into the wee hours of the morning ,sometimes peeking at the clock to see how long I have actually been out. I also am intermittently hot and cold. It is incredibly fun to have blankets on one minute and then thrown off because of the sweating. I rise in the morning feeling as if I have wrestled a bear in my sleep and my joints ache as I put my feet onto the wooden floor.
I look forward to the next couple of years. What will it be next? I am so grateful to not have been born in a time where make-up, spanx( a small garment that secretly goes under your skirt to make you look ten pounds lighter), and hair color were not yet discovered.
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