ゴールデンボンバー「春が来る前に」 / Haru Ga Kuru Mae Ni **ENG SUB + KANJI + ROMAJI**

Aug 04, 2013 00:26

Good evening, my dear GB lovers! <3  ( - Oh noez, it's her again! - )

While subbing the last song (「忙しくてよかった」) I was also thinking about subbing this wonderful song.
And so I did.
It's really emotional (Kiryu's voice and the lyrics), isn't it?
Love this song ~

I used these lyrics and translation (mostly), and this video.
Saying this, I have to mention, that the quality of the video isn't that good and it's really tiny.
But I wanted to use the PV, not just the MP3 + any picture .. (._.')
I couldn't find a HQ version of the PV .. If anyone has a link for me (bigger video or better quality - or both), I would appreciate it and put the subs on a better quality version and update this one. \(^_^)/
But for now, this must work.
Because of the quality, I also upload my subbs for you (ass.), so you can put them on a better video if you find one and want to.
I trust you not to claim them to be your own work .. (^_^')

Again: If you have any comments, wishes, suggestions, complaints, thanks or whatever .. Comments! <(^_^)>
Want me to sub a specific song? Tell me!
Want me to stop talking? Scroll down! (-v-)

Band: ゴールデンボンバー
Song: 春が来る前に/ Haru ga kuru mae ni
Subtitles: English + Kanji + Romaji / Hardsub / Softsub
Size: ca. 56 / 25 MB ( / 11 KB)


MP4: Click me!

AVI: Click me!

Subs only (.ass): Click me!

media: music, translations:subbed, lyrics, media: videos, video:pv

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