Online music distribution through SKIYAKI WERK (スキヤキ ワーク) now on it's possible purchase GB songs there with credit card (as for now) and Paypal (in future I guess).
To purchase the songs you have to login with your Twitter or Facebook account, click on the version you like, input credit card number and pay. Very simple and it works (I haven't tried, our member
arkhelism had).
Available file formats include wav, flac or 320 kbps mp3 ( there was also 24bit/48kH written in EA twitter, but I don't know what it means). e.g. Ice Box costs 150-250 yen, depending on format.
Golden Best for UK are available for now
euclid has also wrote how they want to distribute high-quality sound, and to overseas fans as well, bla-bla. well, that's all true, they get money, overseas fans get songs before CD is released, as usually Japanese fans do, everyone is happy.
if you have any questions, please ask, I'll try to answer.